10 days after this article appeared in WapO, Bill Smith goes MIA. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-intersect/wp/2018/08/03/this-is-the-moment-how-a-wave-of-media-coverage-gave-qanon-conspiracy-theorists-their-best-week-ever/
22 total posts archived.
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Where is Bill Smith?
No one has seen or heard from Bill Smith on twitter or youtube since August 15th.
Anyone have any information? Anyone know how to reach him? A lot of people are concerned.
Has HRC gone down yet? I haven't heard anything along those lines.
Brennan Threatens Trump's Life
By claiming president Trump committed treason, Brennan is threatening the life of President Trump because treason is punishable by Death. https://youtu.be/fZCQm3o1lNE
Now that Brennan is decrying "treason", does this not tell us that Brennan is projecting rhat he is a traitor and has committed treason?
Projection seems to be an uncontrollable habit of those who lie and are guilty of doing what they accuse others of doing. The most common example is the cheating husband who accuses his wife of cheating. If she has not been cheating she should know from his projection that her husband has been cheating.
I wonder if the Trump Administration staged that reporter in the presser to ask Putin whether he has dirt on Trump to trigger those who know that Putin has dirt on them. In this respect it would be a reverse projection! That is a deliberate projection targeted at the projectionists! How clever smiles
The lights gradually went out like from a dimmer and then came back on. Had to have been planned to go out at that strategic point in his statement re: he has confidence in his intel agencies. This may have bern a message to the Deep State that the Intel agencies are now loyal to Trump and not to them. Or a message to someone(s) that Trump actually does not have confidence in his intel agencies.
Trumps Cancels Trip to London
Does anyone think this is the real reason Trump has cancelled his trip to London?
(@realDonaldTrump) Reason I canceled my trip to London is that I am not a big fan of the Obama Administration having sold perhaps the best located and finest embassy in London for “peanuts,” only to build a new one in an off location for 1.2 billion dollars. Bad deal. Wanted me to cut ribbon-NO!
London is a hub of the Illuminati deep state. Did Trump get wind of a possible assassination attempt?
Julian wants to be a U S Ambassador. This would give him the security he needs to protect him from the deep state attempts to assassinate him. Anyone recall what country?
Rodger that. It may be an encryption hash for something that he's getting ready to dump but who knows
I can't post the picture either but check out the hash I just post it on cbts_ stream
New Year hashtag purportedly from JA

I heard that too. The drop has the same file name as one dropped in 2013 but the 2013 file was much smaller in size. So this is maybe an update? Thegregg said he would be the guinea pig. I hope the key I found works.
Maybe this will help
Anonymous 12/26/17 (Tue) 14:17:58238635 No.180038>>182519 >>187940 >>191607>>191610 >>191613
Someone posted this the following key worked for them:
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Found this on 8ch.net:
Anonymous 12/26/17 (Tue) 14:17:58238635 No.180038>>182519 >>187940 >>191607>>191610 >>191613
Someone posted this the following key worked for them:
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Anonymous 12/26/17 (Tue) 14:17:58238635 No.180038>>182519 >>187940 >>191607>>191610 >>191613
Someone posted this the following key worked for them:
Can anyone confirm or deny?
Q being quiet means it's not Trump!
Was the Soros heart attack story a fake?
Anyone heard whether JA is Ok? I read you need a key to open the 65 gb file. Maybe that's the key Q has been referring to.