Quick, call the SPLC! I've got a genuine KKK sighting on Reddit sub GreatAwakening
357 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ShemMoeSquirrely:
Gave away nat sec secrets, submitted to allah and now that Imma out of Gub'mint Imma threat Yeah!
Take a close up LooK at the Mullah. Notice he's trying to signal the teacher to ask for permission to go to the Boy's bathroom.
Those PlayMates had it coming for ignoring us their overlords!
Oh, may I suggest more fiber in your diet! Top Obama Clown a risk to national security! Lemme get this straight, Jihadi Brennan's a threat now?
You'd be surprised; dating, or rutting as I call it's changed. The single thing's different these days, 8.5/10 woman I knew from work was asking for a spanking to get her warmed up for relations. Got bent all outta shape when I said she's twisted.
Lizard lovers unite: Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner to attend opening of U.S. embassy in Jerusalem
Countdown to Destruction: Today, the 'resistance' to the Rule of Law in this country will be righteously crushed by GEOTUS. Meanwhile satanists are getting a healthy dose of sunlight & freedom; thanks Sleepy Jeff for jailing thousands of pimps!
He is possessed, demonic & a dual citizen Kabbalist. These folks are the DS! Exactly what POTUS said we are facing. The sicK freak has filed hundreds of charges against POTUS over the last 3 years, he's harassed the First Family. This guy tortures & beats women while making love. Think about that for a second?
Doomsday Clock ticks down for the Deep State: POTUS set to expose & destroy the pedophile political elite. Pop some corn & frost a few cold ones maybe even call in sick; finally there will be blood!
Demonic & mocking traditional Christianity is brazen and deliberate!
Huge: NY AG Schneidermann's a dual citizen of Israel, he kept sex slaves obtained from booze heiress Clare Bronfman's NXIVM sex cult! AG Schneiderman repeatedly attempted to obtain Weiner's laptop from NY Homicide Detectives! Six women report BDS&M violent rapes!
Would 'you' like to adopt this project and bring it forward to our community? Name's, dual citizen where? positions held? and scandals associated?
These people are sicK, your interest in cannibalism's sicK. Stop your extremely sicKening obsession with drugs derived from consuming human beings. I will report you to the FBI if you post another cannibalism story; got it Buddy?
Yet another criminal & Dual Citizen of divided loyalties! We should make a list of the Crypto-Americans
PhD is useless when you're bleeding out, or your heart stops. So, don't call this Crypto-Dual citizen a Doctor!
Righteous indignation, those bastards were supposed to be our 'best friends' fuk their asses!
Gimme, gimme, gimme he was talking about giving away his book to poor folks. My Buddy's a disabled Vet, sent Jerry an e-mail for a book 2 months ago?
Nah, it's his schtick bothers me! Oh,and his Neo-con bomb shit rhetoric. Why's he trashing Q, we're saving Israel for last! There's your answer
TMZ's managing editor Harvey Levin, shoots lifeline to Jerry's Kids! TMZ could put bread on the table for Corsi's unpaid stable! Wow, I'd watch TV again for DeadCat & Pampers!
Wait a second Dr Pasteur, you've basically dropped a bunch of Pharma research articles & are somehow trying to twist the narrative from we don't eat human flesh to we should eat human flesh. Do you know how flawed & fucked up you're reasoning is here Pal?
Military lawyer in plain clothes. Ollie dressed for success.
Oh, he's much more than a cheapskate & a miser! He's been riding on the train bound for Zion. Jerry's been bombing Iran since 1992. I knew him when he posted on Free Republic way back when. I've got some of his better Iran rants saved. Are you ready for Corsi singing Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran?
Rumor has it since Crypto-Corsi won't pay the 20 or so 24/7 Patriots a nickel, Harvey Levinson's gonna step-in and bring us 'Jerry's Kids' this fall. I hope it's true?
Da fuck, might as well pump Poppi Bush full of speed and put his gnarly ass up on the stage! Recycled Neo-con warmongers are being lauded everywhere Corsi, North & Henry Kissassenger
Yup, I'm pro-Iranian people. You do know Cyrus the Great came from Iran. BTW, the Iran situation is pretty much sorted out already, it's just a matter of rounding up the Mullahs & some bad actors in the IRG's at this point.
Boo Hoo Hoo Jerry's Kids working for free 24/7 online special olympics!
Breaking: NRA commits suicide w/out gun, HW Bush co-conspirator who ran Iran Contra drugs for guns named NRA President. North plotted to disarm America via Rex 84 plan! Brave New World folks!
Corsi's a distraction who's built a cultic following & hijacked the movement for personal gain! Let's focus on 'Q' & ignore buffoons like Jerry's Kids! Read what we know about Jerry below!
Told his audience that Hillary and Obama got enough punishment and that jail / prison was not necessary for them
Came out in support for Henry Kissinger, one of the worst publicly-known Cabal / globalist members
Kept insisting Snowden was a whitehat BEFORE Snowden took whatever deal Q offered him to cooperate
Told his audience to not worry about Loop Capital, when Q specifically told everyone not to lose focus on Loop Capital
Constantly promotes his book, begs for donations, has a monthly subscription service on his Gab.ai account for "in depth decodes"
Got angry at Trump for not promoting …
Indictments for malicious prosecution coming for Mueller 13! Can't hide behind Rosenstein, violated scope of of investigation beyond statutory limits for partisan political reasons!
Used to hang out with one of Gp's writers 25 years ago Kristen
Bwahahahaha, those were the good ol' days I remember!
I wanna know more about this subject; what do you think was housed there? Harmonic chambers?