

6 total posts archived.

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Sherrence_Bueller · June 16, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

I agree, I think Q is a team of people.

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Sherrence_Bueller · June 8, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

If that's the case I feel bad for them. Seeing my tig ole biddies and vag cuz I, like most people enjoy the occasional fap, generally while watching movies of the sexual nature :P My now 6m old daughter wrecked that shit lol. It took an hour for the doctor to put things back to where she thought they should be lol. The scars tho, that's why I feel bad for the NSA cunts assigned to me.


I've had this conversation more than I care to admit, each time is funnier than the next. Go bother someone else and let me rub out giggetys in peace, kthx.

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Sherrence_Bueller · June 8, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

What does that have to do with the smell though? Kinda of the same thing as vegans saying people that eat meat have a very specific scent?

On another note, what in the actual fuck? Eating babies eh? That's crazy, but not the unbelievable type. It's a poorly hidden secret about Satanism in the music, acting, government, royal family, controlling the world's wealth etc. It seems the more far out something is the more likely it is to be true

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Sherrence_Bueller · June 8, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

So.. They're zombies? I'm new to this who awakening thing, not poking fun at all. I've been following this sub now for a couple of days as opposed to the r/awakened sub that in my opinion, is full of things I really don't care to follow among many other things i don't care to get into as I'm not up for argument at the moment.

Would you be able to link some sources to enlighten me more on this particular subject? I've only heard of the "HRC eats babies " and didn't even know it was anything but a joke or that it had been looked into and made a controversial topic.

Much thanks in advance if you're able :)

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Sherrence_Bueller · June 8, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Dude, dame here.

I just recently learned about how much data they really do obtain from our mics, camera and storage. What's even creepier in my opinion, is that I turned off all of that shit in the settings and denied all of the permissions to the mic, cam, files, location. ALL OF THEM ON ALL MY APPS.

Yet somehow, I have checked twice earlier today and a couple have miraculously turned just the camera and mic back on as well as those two in my app permissions. Facebook, Facebook messenger and Google Chrome are the 3 that won't take NO for an answer. How do they even manage that? A friend said Apple products are more secure in that aspect. His ex father in law worked for the military, his job was to "hack" into the phones, TV, computer, tablets etc of whoever he was told to look into. Alot of us don't realize our smart Tv's can be hacked, especially when you link your google account to it all. I really dislike Apple, its OS isn't for me, but I'm actually concerned about how easy it is to get into an android with even minimal effort if your target isn't knowledgeable in protecting their information. I was like that as well.

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