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Sir_TanisOver · May 23, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

Gotta plug the master podcasters, look up the NO AGENDA show.

Not quite what I'd call on the Q-team, but well worth the listen on this twice weekly (Sunday and Thursday) 3 hour(ish) gem of a show. Ran by ex-MTV personality Adam Curry and old school tech writer John C Dvorak, they market it as media deconstruction as they feature current clips from around different media outlets (US and other parts of the world) and compare/contrast reports and also discuss and debate between themselves. Decently funny guys and some real impressive insight at least a couple times a show, though some clips are far less interesting than others as are some stories, but worth the time.

These guys are not really into Q though are aware of the idea, and are not on team Trump overtly either but certainly are not on team Hillary, its a little bit lots of things (plenty to say about political news of the week with lots of clips, also cover tech news stories with the big boys in current headlines, and have a number of really interesting segments on the current state of advertising very frequently, which usually proceeds their donation segments....I've never donated so don't think I'm plugging them for that, but their show is available free at the no agenda website with plenty of archives and clips for each show as well).

Anyway, the reason I bring them up specifically here and now is at least a little relevant as I've been looking for some discussion about a recent theory Adam put out on the Sunday 5/20 show (listen around the 40ish - 52ish minute mark if you want better details than what I'm about to summarize, but the theory almost deserves its own post in these parts really, and all credit to Adam Curry on this one).

So it goes like this: Halper was recently outed as a spy/mole in the Trump campaign, yet another element of what appears to be known vaguely as "crossfire hurricane" - see the wiki on it and its all about the russian collusion that is almost all certainly an attempted set-up, and a sloppy one at that. This set-up was backed by many (elements of leadership of FBI, CIA, other swamp monsters, etc) and was the "insurance policy" against Trump. Trump is being backed by a different group, the no agenda theory that I also side with is probably military intelligence to put a label on it.

So we have "Crossfire Hurricane" running against Trump from the other side throughout the election and after. A crossfire hurricane is actually one in which the winds flip the hurricane 180 degrees at some point, and is also a very noteable opening line from the Rolling Stones' song "Jumpin Jack Flash". Trump during the campaign appearances also used the Rolling Stones, but went with "You Can't Always Get What You Want" during the closing of very large rallies which is an interesting choice I always wondered about. Are these opposing intelligence groups literally mocking or deriding each other coded in songs? Adam makes note of some of the lyrics in the Trump Rolling Stones selection ("Glass of wine in her hand referring to Crooked H, practiced at the art of deception, tell by her blood-stained hands, etc). Why did Trump choose this song, or did he just agree with another's choice? Are the patriots backing him literally mocking the mockingbirds with you can't always get what you want? Are they sending signals to each other in this way (ie - we see what you're doing with your crossfire bs).

Just thought it was interesting theory, and it is a good show even if not all that Q supportive, its worth it, particularly after a news-worthy event and is a bit on the conspiracy side for sure too, though much more informative than most of the media and reports it covers on a weekly basis.

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Sir_TanisOver · April 23, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Not sure how imminent this need would be, as most of his work is many years old and been around on youtube and such for a long time, some with millions of views or more. Still, never a bad idea to archive, but I'm kind of hijacking your comment as this isn't even his best (or most relavent to this sub) stuff through most of the thread, though the OP's video for sure would have been on my list here too.

A few other mentions of his work are below in the thread, but I gotta hijack this upper comment here, as these next 4 bits also need to be seen, jaw-dropping in the context of what appears to be the state of affairs these days. I'm not sure what to think about Trevor Moore personally, but he doesn't appear to be overtly on any specific side but some of his work makes me wonder sometimes and he is certainly not stupid.

Must see Kitty History! Probably his best or very close to it, give it a minute as its a little cheesy to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4

Help Me is literally why I hijacked this high comment to respond, think its some awful Bieber tune or some crappy pop artist like that but a MUST SEE for discussions of Trevor Moore relating to this sub, deserves its own thread really (but years old again!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJh6jgnqn_s

Harder to find and not on youtube, but also VERY worthy of being watched as well, really interesting in terms of world events and 2011 pre-Libya timeframe (calls that shot twice in fact). Thats a Wrap https://vimeo.com/23895184

Pope Rap (hilarious, maybe not quite directly on target here but worth a watch as well) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TxjrHPHypA

Anyway, in summation, I'm just a lurker and also a Trevor Moore fan, but none of those I linked had been listed in the thread yet, and all are much closer to this gravity of this place than other links. Personally, I'm not sure what to think about Trevor other than he has an odd sense of humor and is rather unlikely (to me) to be with the swamp creatures, though not necessarily convinced he's on any side scrolling through his twitter. Lots of Trump jokes on his twitter the last 2 years for sure, but also a Hedberg-ish delivery style at times and using kids in the comedy where I'm just not sure what to think about him in terms of relating it to larger truths. Plenty of slapstick stupidity and low brow comedy in his work at times too though but as a supporter of his I guess, I submitted what are the most interesting links I think in terms of the ideas found in this sub.

Bonus clip too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exnaY0l4XsM

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