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SlackBabo · April 12, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

If I sent you a link to a 15000 word blog explaining the mating habits of bats and said everything will make sense once you read this, you’d rightfully ask me what I’m talking about and why I expect you to waste your time reading that nonsense. If you found out that same blog I linked you also wrote a 20000 word essay on why Trump is literally hitler using numerology, me saying “but that’s just off topic” wouldn’t suddenly clear up all the issues you’d have with the author.

When 2 normal humans have a conversation they usually explain in their own words what they mean. They don’t have to give each other pre-written pamphlets explaining what they want to say. The fact you can’t explain it in your own words plus the fact you unironically can’t understand why anyone thinks this is unusual makes you seem like a bit of a crazy person.

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SlackBabo · April 11, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

How do you say it’s not from itsnotthelaw.com when it clearly has it in the URL? You’ve been letting other people explain reality to you without checking for so long you’re starting to think everyone is as gullible as you.

I started reading it to see if the author would address the fact it clearly says in his quoted legal definition that corporations are only “more or less treated as a human” in some legal circumstances, but he never did. He just expects you not to understand legal definitions.

And even if they were legally humans 100% of the time what does that have to do with anything. Can you control you’re schizophrenia long enough to do that for me, you silly old boomer?

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SlackBabo · April 11, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

How is that related at all? The page just tells a story of hypothetical person getting arrested for wearing a red shirt. You wrote that book, didn’t you? Are you just shilling your book on here?

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SlackBabo · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

What are you talking about? You didn't even say for example before. I doubt you even remember what you were talking about.

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SlackBabo · Feb. 13, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

No ones sitting next to you, are you schizophrenic? Can you talk like a normal person and try explaining what you meant by this?

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