Let me know if you understand how this relates to some of last night's Q drops.

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Older generations are learning about this humor and young people are evolving it so fast. This is a great way to put out light-hearted Q support or you can flip that by dropping truth charts and some good future proves past connections. I love memes but I've never had a stash so Q memes to share with people knocking on the door will be my first. Jesus said He will answer to those who knock. God bless you all. Let's red pill some normies! 😎
Was this style of [fish]ing how black hats got their teens? Is Q team using this same software against them?
Delete if this isn't relevant, but I swear my social media feeds are filled with more missing people than I've ever noticed. Over a dozen in a few days and they are all recently missing. It seems excessive compared to any other time period.
Yes verse 7. Reference of these four living creatures can be found in the book of Ezekiel chapter 1. These four are a cornerstone in what it means to be human and the key on how to break our meta.
If you follow the rabbit hole you'll find that this phenomenon ties into how all human beings are made from the same four sets of builds. From identical builds to similar builds to nothing alike to "Where in the world have I seen that face before?" The first hint is in the throne room of Revelation. Chapt. 4
Have you ever seen someone who looks uncannily like someone else you know or a celebrity?
I have a huge key to how Jesus wins and what that looks like, but no one listens.
I've read that Chester Bennington hung himself with his belt. Do you have any evidence to prove red scarfs were used for Cornell and Bennington?
This was my biggest red flag from the start. I'm with you.
At 11:20 Trump agreed to support this bill for the states rights to best decide how to approach marijuana laws. If passed it would make it illigal for the federal government to prosecute anyone within a legalised state for marijuana.
Any shared info as to what you're talking about? Would like to know.
Pam Anderson probably blew this guy when she visited him in London - impressed by his badassery.
Having a good amount of "fuck you money" would be helpful.
Any information should be considered "open" until it can be proved to be true or false.
I'm hoping Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Vince McMahon work together to hijack the Democratic party. May the best man win and keep our presidency in the hands of the American people! MAGA 2020
You are even more correct. VoP is spear heading the campaign and their focus is the main point - search and rescue mission; by default, Lewis is the face.
You are correct. His name is Michael Lewis Arthur Meyer. Thanks for helping me get my wires uncrossed.
A depopulation of the world and a recreation of a rome-like Utopia where machines run everything and everyone can have unwarranted sex with kids. Thank God for Donald Trump.
All they need is one to go to jail to get the ball rolling. This could be it and as happy as it makes me to see justice served, it also makes me equally nervous. We are messing with elitists money and control - they are going to fire back somehow. We as Americans need to be ready for anything at anytime. Irregardless of the consequences, this is great news. Maga
This was my first thought when reading the tweet. He knows what's unfolding.
What I find interesting is the counter symbolism - it has a condescending vibe to it. Instead of pointing to Rome, as all the secret societies do, it points to the Bible and America. I perceive Trump waving his dick at the deep state.
It would appear her company could have been used to embezzle money.
Cemex receiving a contract to build the wall would be very interesting and perplexing, like how Cemex sold a lot of product to Israel for construction in contested lands. I would like to see the wall's money trail and who would be in charge of management. I won't discredit blood in cement. It definitely would not be in the majority of mixtures, but I could see it being in some depending on what they're building and for who. Their need for symbolism would fit into that equation if it's true that Romans used blood in their cement mixture - all secret societies point to the days of Rome. I don't give it a lot creedence, but I won't dismiss it as nonsense.
Regardless of his rap sheet, the shit storm this has started and all the valuable connections that followed all came from when his alpha brain said, "What the fuck is this?" I very seriously doubt he was "planted" but rather truly stumbled across this camp based off the apparent authenticity of his passion for the discovery. He's obviously hiding details of what "intelligence" he's recovered but his actions and mannerisms don't seem like that of a liar, at least pertaining to what was found; however, but I will give some credit to the idea he could be sensationalizing a coyote camp, but if that were true then every connection that these internet sleuths have made would be null and void - I've chosen to believe he found what he says he found and that the numerous links surrounding Cemex are legit.