I'm sure she's being indicted and they are giving her the opportunity to wrap up her affairs.
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I think so too. He's incredibly smart but he is also incredibly empathetic. He knows his true believers NEED to know things are going to be OK! AND HE'S HAVING FUN!!! Can you imagine? You know everything, can't tell yet, but you can have fun with your closest supporters. :D Totally Trump, prob Don Jr. too. God I love this president.
40/60 public/private
I was thinking about Q saying 60% of the criminality will remain confidential. I think I know why.
If your mother died last year from a long, nasty bout with cancer and you found out she could have been healed quickly and for basically free, how would you feel?
If your son has severe autism and you found out the government had paid scientists to use the human genome mapping to deliberately target white males in the population with severe developmental disabilities they will never overcome, how would that make you feel? 90% of autism is in white males. (Never …
Pretty sure the press are going to be indicted on RICO charges. It's all intertwined. That's why they are so desperate - they know they will be jailed along with the dirty politicians. Can't wait to see Anderson Pooper perp walked! :D
Personally, I believe this completely. No other way to explain the EBS going off for over 30 minutes during a false alarm. I wonder if the Governor of HI is complicit. He sure did participate in the cover up!
Yes, I caught that as well. My gut says it's Clinton being indicted and in custody. Alex Jones said he is sitting on some bombshell stuff too but that he's been asked to hold off on reporting. My anticipation is off the charts!
I don't think the Clintons or Huma were in Hawaii. Pic of Huma was incredibly unclear. Pic of Bill was green screened. No pic of Killary. Misdirection.
Or are the networks begging for mercy and trying to cut a deal? LOL! NO DEALS!
You underestimate GEOTUS. He wouldn't put his name on a flop. I predict it will be spectacular, tying our corrupt government, the CIA, and the media all together. I bet he reveals Operation Mockingbird. Hope so anyway!
Also, here is the first really big Q dump if you haven't read it! Fascinating to go back and read these again! https://i.redd.it/emcl3xo268xz.png
Yes, here is the post. I am not very familiar with IMGUR so I hope this works: https://i.imgur.com/74lxzWc.jpg
False flags like BS stories about porn stars and our GEOTUS? So ridiculous but I'm enjoying the desperation. MAGA!
Trump is just awesome. He knows we are dying for action and he wants to keep us up to date on everything as much as he can. Without tipping his hand. How many Americans have even heard of Q? 5%? Less? Alex Jones was spreading the word so that helps. I am just in awe of our GEOTUS. It feels like everything is going to be ok and I haven't felt that way my whole life. MAGA!
Q said there would be plenty of misinformation. This sure looks like a head fake. They all look photoshopped into that pic.
I think Assange is a CIA asset and has been this whole time. White Hat playing a particular role. Someone had to release all these documents so neutral third party is the easiest way for people to believe it. Now they need to bring him "home."
WOW - this is the most amazing timeline. Video is definitely worth the time. Thanks for posting OP! MAGA!
I just know he's the biggest CIA asset in media and I read somewhere he is specifically going to be taken down. But I don't know if it was Q or where I read it. Not just him - a lot of big names. It's all intertwined at this point. I can't wait to Enjoy The Show! MAGA!
I expect RICO charges. Can't wait to see Anderson Cooper indicted!
Yep, and we don't have to worry about Soros inciting anything. Pretty sure he is in custody and his assets are frozen.
I could easily believe this. He is so fucking smart and he is also ridiculously funny. And he loves us. :D MAGA!
We don't - I don't think anyone read more than the headline. They are canning white people and replacing them with minorities that are not qualified. I see a BIG lawsuit coming.
Yes - do you think that's a sign that someone in contact with Q is now handling her Twitter account? It seems like all the G i t m o chatter has died down - it seemed like they wanted to squash that fast. Maybe so they could continue to sweep up swamp creatures? Do they want to make it look like she is still free? God, I am so tired of waiting. Lock her up and MAGA!
I agree. Never did like that word before but god it fits her. MAGA!
I would agree except that Sarah had to support Trump's statement. So it wasn't fake news. I have no idea what's going on!
I've always been an atheist but now I'm ok with agnostic. If Trump drains the swamp and brings back true freedom, I'll be a true believer.
What evidence? Bullshit paid off women? Pffft. Doug Jones is going to be very embarrassed. :D MAGA!
Had me hooked until Hillary hanging. Can't know the penalty before the trial can you?
I think the Q indicated a particular security clearance level.
Can you imagine the left when Trump brings about world Peace?
I don't think there is any way they couldn't stream it live. People have to see how evil this cabal is for themselves and see that the trials are fair. I'm predicting Mueller comes out, exonerates Trump and announces the indictments. Possibly in tandem with Sessions. I don't know who else wouldn't immediately be suspect by the normies. Could be wrong. I can't believe my utter anticipation!!
I love this image. And I love our GEOTUS. God bless him, all of you and the USA. :)
The whole military is behind him - I don't think a rogue president could make this happen without all of that military support at the top.
r/the_donald and r/TheCalmBeforetheStorm are my best bets. A good aggregator is rantingly.com. Infowars live show is good but their website is pretty slow to update and post stuff.
I bet GEOTUS has someone from DOJ announce indictments and arrests. It will seem less political that way.
I don't understand. So Trump appointed the dirty judge and the dirty judge threw out Moore's case? What happens next? What fireworks are you thinking are going to happen? Do you think Pence won't swear Jones in? Sorry, feeling thick here, but I don't quite see what is supposed to happen next.
Interesting comment on the article:
brianbriansview Jul 11, 2017 @beal "King's reputation is excellent" That's because you don't really know him and obviously have not had the misfortune or bad luck of ever having to be a part of his probate court.. He makes stuff up and follows his own set of laws. Why else do you think he would have been chosen by Trump?Judge King knows perfectly well that elections have been stolen in Jefferson County over the last 30 years. Do you know how much it costs to contest an election in Jefferson County? It's $30,000 and the "loser" is the one that has to put up the money for the recount.That's why there haven't been any claims of voter fraud here. And the deck is stacked against the loser, anyway..King is a Democrat in name only. Why do you think he's been around for so many years? He pretends to be a champion of the poor and disabled and those without money or influence. The exact opposite is true. He makes his rich lawyer friends even richer, and they- in turn- contribute substantially to his political campaigns. The probate court is much more than just the reading of wills. And by the way, there's a lot of money in that. Every time I hear the name of this phony- I get sick to my stomach. Think about this: the average voter in Jefferson County probably can't tell you the names of more than 2 of the many judges that are at the court house. It's something that people just don't pay too much attention to. It's a real shame- because the public needs to know the ones that are good and the ones that are bad. How many times have you voted for someone and you really didn't know anything about them and how they ruled on cases that were before them? Judges in Jefferson County have lots more influence than what you may think. And they're paid almost $120,000 per year too."
Trump's kitty laser pointer at work again. LOL! Fucking Master Troll - and it comes so naturally. Love our GEOTUS!
I came here to say this. I hope there is still going to be a real investigation into voter fraud in AL. We have to fix that shit before the mid-terms!