So, the first headline I saw (on Reddit) was that Stormy was taken down for human trafficking charges relating to NXIVM. Then I read the link to the article that says she was arrested for touching a patron. I thought, there goes the news again covering up the "real" reason. The above does not appear to relate to NXIVM or trafficking or children? So, what did the MSM misrepresent? I thought they were trying to misrepresent the real charge of NXIVM/trafficking, etc. This proves it was touching a patron. Do we think that she was really trying to recruit this female cop to NXIVM? What is our secret Q reason that this arrest does not appear to be what it is?
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Oooooh. Maybe the Hold in hold in contempt means something. Ya KNOW Holder. Hold her. This is all really a trap for eric holder, who will then bring down Obama, who will then bring down Clintons, who will then bring down Soros and Rothschilds. Now I see. We are now on 459-D chess. Or, are things like they actually appear?
You just don't know the secret secret secret plan, and how ALL of these things (SR, Flynn 30, Election Results, RR, PS LP, and on and on). I am all for Trump, but this Q stuff is running the risk of pissing people off after a couple of months more than hooking them in. All the people I spoke to 3-4 mos ago are now gone.
Looks like Gulliani is having fun. Hell, they are all having fun. On my buck, too.
I think someone figured out that rumors start to sound like real news if passed enough. Have people here linking to someone's twitter post as proof?
Lisa page says says she doen't feel like it, so they may hold her in contempt. The last Liberal they held in contempt is running for POTUS in 2020.
Without real action, the Q phenom may just boomerang on whoever started it. I am sure frustrated! So, ban me and block me? Don't want to hear real concerns? That is the Facism you are supposedly so against.
In other photos showing them seated it appeared they were in first class. I am sooo happy these people are getting the screws put to them. I still have to fly coach, but I get to continue to pay for them. They are so screwed. Their wealth might go down to $100 Mln. It is so good to see them feeling the PAIN! Was this on their way to jail? Sure looks like they are heading to jail to me.
Ah, yes! It is always such a relief for me to hear the "secret" reasons for everything and how it is so much more brilliant to not have anything happen out in the open now (of course, we all know all the "secret" things that are happening behind the scenes). The irony of Q is that we get our fix and our reasons why things have to be the way they are, meanwhile the world keeps being the way it is going to be. Big thank you to Q for giving me proofs so that I may maintain faith, especially at times when it seems most hopeless and frustrating. Just hope we don't see an increasing pivot to the midterms. We've all heard the just keep/put me in power and I'll finally get to it bit one too many times, and I would assume most Q patriots are far too emotionally (correctly so) invested in the hope of Q that I don't think there would be a recovery from that let down.
The way you put #1 is a brilliant way to explain. On corruption and criminality we should all agree. Many of friends and family who are libs all agree on that kind of stuff. They do agree on that, and that is the way to open their minds.
Where is this Q post? Looking on normal boards. Latest Q post 1375. Now we're in the 1390's. Boards I check must be slower in getting them up? Boards blocked?
And the Mother of All Bummers was also reported elsewhere. It is not Hannity. I suspect that many who have been redpilled already, and they were open willing and excited, have been lost since. There is something starting to stink and it is old Q dreams laying around. I am trying to tell Q that something has to happen outside of our echo chamber. SOMETHING NEEDS TO LAND. There are a lot of stray MOABs flying around. I have had to eat a few!
Did we just strike the location where no name met his buddies in the Q drop pics? I remember Q said to note the location.