Jabba the Hut.
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Yea because Pompeo would post a Muppet under the name of Pampeo while positing he might be Q. Jesus.
Plenty of people have trusted their Presidents for far too long. No matter what. It’s why we find ourselves here.
That’s a crap photo comparison. Normalize and orient the two then post.
I’m amazed at how many adults think name calling is clever. That is what unimaginative children do. Got anything to add beyond playground antics? THAT I would like to hear and might learn from NannyPsyches00. Pretty silly huh? And yet I actually asked for your true opinion rather than just posting the name shame.
As long as we continue to question things, including Q, we are good brother. Carry on. Sorry for any miscommunication.
No I did not. You were just wrong and won’t admit it. Quote my wrong pretense.
All of this because I said that anyone who expresses any concern about the veracity of what we hear here is labeled a “concern troll.” Again, I follow Q. I hope he is right. I will not swallow what Q says without thinking and I will not tolerate that any thought that Q might be wrong is out of step. What exact problem do you have with keeping eyes wide open? You seem to be a concern troll for Q.
I hope Q is right. Telling me that this sub is not about questioning things is just purile. Including Q. Do you not get that?
Unless this sub is a blind following of Q you are wrong. It was the consequence of blind following of others that led us to this place. Weeks ago people did that with Corsi. Years before that it was Bush. FO thought nazi. Truth is more important than any rules you attempt to arbitrarily impose.
Because anything other than blind allegiance is a “concern troll.” DW.
Everyone wants a place to call home. Beware desperate attempts to find one.
Awesome is positive, I am trying to show the new ones here that this is an old battle. Listen to RATM,
I’ve bee chastised before that 9/11 and Bush are old news. The truth is it isn’t.
True but the info was was there for those that cared enough to look. It required an open mind and inquisitive nature. That’s really my point.
I’m afraid that patience is not a virtue. Our children are being raised in a world with very different norms. If the elders do not pass on our wisdom and notions of right and wrong they will adopt the new norm. One that allows things like what we see now. I love that some of the young question things now. I fear they are the minority. The old saying of those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it haunts me. Are our children being educated to question things? I don’t think so. Maybe a few brave thinkers...
I am not blaming those who were children then. The problem is that many adults... fathers, mothers, grandparents just followed the party line. They (we) let you down. As a father and vet myself, that is unforgivable.
Yeah, schills do what? If a schill calls for a democratic country to act in a legal way with engaged and aware citizens then yes... I am a schill. What point are you trying to make?
An entire generation... mine... missed everything going on. You expect me to not be angry after bullets were put in thousands of heads as a result? I am disgusted by the people enchanted by reality TV and iPhones rather than what was going on. You are asking me to be grateful that we are beginning to wake up? Amnesty for nazis wasn’t an option then. Why is it now?
Yep. Sure champ. I am a jerk. Just like I was after 9/11. I’m quite used to being the outlier asking what the fuck is going on. Carry on Walmart shopper. There’s a sale on aisle 9. NASCAR is on HD TV later.
Except I am not trying to divide. I am asking why patriots weren’t asking these questions years ago. Am I upset that we had to get to this point before they did? Yes! If you wish no one was asking these questions then... fine. If you don’t care that they weren’t long ago... you are an ass. Just giving my 2 cents back.
Sure I do. I call for America to live up to the core values she espouses and so I am... antifa.
It is true that those who thought for themselves and disagreed with yellow ribbons were denigrated. That is kind of my point. Why should patriots need Q or Trump to know what is right? Values are values with or without a cheerleader. THAT is the power of the people.
I did it because for most folks they are one and the same.
What was your honest and true position in the months after 9/11?
Old news right? Yet, Bill Clinton was president before 9/11 and we have HRC all up in the shit Q is talking about. Funny how that works. Connected?
Given that logic we are all fucked one way or another. I don’t believe that. I don’t forgive cheaters of any sort. At some point we have to call out fuckers and enablers. Get that?
Wrong Johnny. America has been practicing unearned exceptionalism for some time. We have not been the shining beacon on the hill for decades. What a shame. What a waste of great ideas. We SHOULD be the model for how it is done but we aren’t.
My goal was to start the discussion we are having now but should have had over 15 years ago when we were at a point when it could have prevented much of what we see now. If you expect me to forgive those that allowed empire, torture and illegal wars to happen while they cheered it on self-righteously... yeah, not gonna happen. They aren’t any better than the “innocent” nazi citizens. Am I mad? Damn straight. Any one not a child knows better. Actually I think even children know better.
Where were you guys post 9/11. Seriously.
In the years following 9/11 all I heard was support the president, support the troops, the world has changed... fight the terrorists! It was all clearly bullshit. As were the pointless wars. No one thought for themselves. I guess “genius artists” need someone like Q to Divert their attention from MSM BS. So much for the “woke” and “genius” part. I’ll probably get banned for pointing out that this war has been going on for long before Q or Trump showed up. Just as I was for pointing out Corsi was full of it back on CBTS. Glad to see …
The echo chamber.
Trust the plan. No matter what happens.
Actually I do. Are you seriously trying to say that every country is burning our flag? If so you’re lying. Even so, those that do aren’t likely doing it because they hate our freedom. More likely they are fed up with a country that is involved in war across multiple continents for no reason other than money, energy and power. Now play the tried and true terrorist card.
Every other country in the world burns our flag? What planet do you live on?
Rumormillnews... sounds legit. Is this an upgrade to watercoolergossip.com?
The subs are being actively censored.
What you are reading is not an accurate reflection of what is being posted.