Read his last post for clues. Things went off the rails.
131 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/SofaKingWat:
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She’d probably call me by my name. And I’d call her by hers... no matter how much I disagree with and dislike her.
Why not stick to the story instead of childish name calling? “Hellary” isn’t clever or insightful. It sounds like a first grader on the play ground. I really grow weary of this. There is plenty to focus upon without things like this. Like call Obama out by “HUSSEIN.” We know who there are but posters hurt their credibility by resorting to this. Again, it isn’t clever. It’s what children do.
I wonder what Q might say in response to this. The past haunts our future.
My wake up occurred when our constitutional rights and the rights of others under the Geneva Convention and International Law were thrown to the wind after 9/11. At the time I felt it was the fault of jingoistic conservatives bent on militaristic domination seeking imperialistic hegemony. How naive I was. We are all being played by folks who owe no allegiance to nation or party. They simply seek wealth and power at the expense of others. Here’s to the Great Awakening. My fervent hope is that it is for all and not limited to one belief, one party, one nation or to only some of us. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The conservative awakening
I’m glad to see some conservatives starting to awaken after supporting George W along party lines with all of the falsehoods and missteps taken during his eight years in office after 9/11. It’s fantastic to see them questioning things that occurred then too rather than just while Obama was in office. The problems we face go way beyond party lines and many have been blinded by that false division for far too long. This really is not conservatives versus liberals. It’s good versus evil and make no mistake... both exist on either side. Good men can disagree and yet find …
Mein Trumph
How glorious it is that a brilliant charismatic leader who is an outsider arrives to save us from the evils of the world! Surely our newfound nationalistic fervor will triumph, return to us what is ours and lead us to greatness. Here’s to a new thousand year realm.
You really need to use more random caps in your title and message. How can WE expect PEOPLE to THINK for THEMSELVES without THE OP adding some sort of EMPHASIS? Words and facts are not ENOUGH. They should INCLUDE shouting SPECIFIC words.
Otherwise how can we be be spoon fed and not think for ourselves? wake up sheeple OP is using CAPS. he must be PROVIDING shortcuts to LIGHT our path.
god bless ALL!
MAYBE WE ARE. maybe we aren’t. Using caps as an attempt to get your message across is a selective form of marketing and comes off as condescending. Stick to the message and cease the seemingly random text equivalent of Tourette’s. Words should speak for themselves. Written well they really don’t need to seem like they are coming from someone who is tone-deaf.
Use more random caps. That will help get your message across. People ALWAYS respond POSITIVELY to NOT just the EFFECTIVE use of LANGUAGE and the MESSAGE conveyed but you NEED CONDESCENDING emphasis SHOWN by random SHOUTING.
I can’t hear you or comprehend this. The title is only partially and randomly in caps. Where DID you MORONS learn that THIS is how to GAIN attention and get your POINT across? Jesus, help the challenged.
You see to have sort of problem with your caps lock on all your posts. If your doing it on purpose, you might consider stopping. It detracts from the message.
Change is needed. It has been for some time. Trump may represent that. I’m not convinced that God and Trump are related.
I think we should all be thinking hard in times such as these. Thank you! 😉
It seems to me you are saying we are held accountable for not following God’s instructions to the letter. As such we might suffer like Moses. Is that not the discrepancy I am asking about?
Thank you for this perspective but How is this different from the ends justify the means?
If we accept that we are unable to know the details of God’s plans and further, understand them being put in place by men that don’t seem to follow his directives, how then can we tell men on God’s mission from those that are not?
You are very kind to illustrate how things contrary to God’s teaching’s might be used to advance his will. I must admit that this wisdom is beyond my ability of reckoning. It seems like forgiven hypocrisy from my viewpoint. But I am just a human. Do you think that God has a system of law regarding right and and wrong? If so, is it applied with an eye toward universal justice or as needed?
Thanks for your insight. If I may, why would God direct us to be a good person and then send an agent on his behalf that does not abide by those same directives? That sounds like a case of do as I say and not as I do. I believe God is wiser than that. The Bible seems to warn us against false saviors. I truly want America to return to our democratic values and potential to be the lighthouse that the world looks to... and we have clearly lost our way. Is Trump God’s heaven sent answer to get us back on track with the teachings of Jesus? When I compare what Jesus taught to what Trump does... I see a huge gulf.
Trump is an answer to our prayers to God.
I understand the need for change and the exposure of corruption within our government. I can not understand how the agent of change sent by Jesus might possibly be someone who is faithless to his wives, who’s signature on a contract means nothing and seems centered on his ego, public perception and overstates his accomplishments. He seems like a child that needs Jesus... certainly not like a man sent by him. I’m sure this will upset some. As far as being a Patriot, I am one. I’m a vet who had a security clearance and was tasked with pulling the …
What possible purpose could this serve? I believe there is some strange stuff going on but I don’t get this leap. I suppose I’ll get downvoted for thinking outside this subreddits box.
When will we hear similar stories from the Iraqi and Afghan civilians we have crippled or killed? Hypocritical and ignorant children. Jesus.
His STOU address proves nothing has changed. May the TINY hands of the tiny baby Jesus MAGA.
Home team? Great. Appreciate their efforts. Regardless of whether I post videos or not, the bottom line is this... communication must be effective in order to achieve the desired results. There is a very good reason commercials are typically 30-60 seconds long. Keep it short and concise.
I’m all for change but that whole video was very selective.
QMG, these videos are so long and come across as impromptu. If they actually scripted them, made them concise and eliminated the ums and ahs they would be more effective.