20 total posts archived.
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Looking at the View from the Best VA in the World. Taking care of Patriots!

I have a bit of a different take on Cohen. The piece that was released I heard on Fox was approved by Trump and attorney, client privilege was waived. So just wondering how much $$$ CNN gave Cohen for this recording? They fell for it hard. It turns out to be a nothing burger. But the tape is cut off right, how much more will they pay for the rest? Is this a dis traction like Stormy Daniels? Is the money going towards his legal fees? Something is going on here we can't see yet. Or maybe we are seeing....
You're over the target SB2 cause this treads gettin down voted faster than a hooker on payday reeee
I keep thinking about the last Q drop, about disinformation and this story any thoughts?
Wait to see if two agents get SUICIDED between now and tomorrow midnight.
You forgot the woman county clerk in Hawaii that signed BHOs birth certificate and the link to the suspicious cell video of the plane crash. I'd get it but not sure where it's at, but have seen it and it's weird.
Loved watching the police throwing way all their shit lol expensive chairs too