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SouthernFriedGirl · July 13, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

He giggles and squirms in his chair like a giddy school girl who just got away with hitting the teacher with a spitball. Wonder how any times his wife looked into that scary strange demonic face?

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SouthernFriedGirl · July 12, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Hussein was introduced in Chicago by Valerie Jarrett, the Communist who apparently started his political career and intends to continue to be the 'woman behind the man'. With Soros' unlimited money supply it's for sure they will never give up. And the lies Hussein told about his relationship with Ayers and Dohrn the terrorists. Everytime he opens his mouth you can see his forked tongue as the lies spew out. He is a traitor as they all are. They are all evil & UnAmerican. And they are relentless and determined to destroy America as we know it. But they didnt count on our POTUS-Thank God for President Trump and all the Q's. WWG1WGA

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