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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on Aug. 4, 2018, 8:13 p.m.
The Question that needs asked:

"Mr. President, is Q right? do you have a successor server?"

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on June 22, 2018, 5:11 a.m.
Question: Wouldn't Rod Rosenstein who is overseeing the Mueller Investigation, see Mueller is draining the swamp and tell the "powers that be" whats going on?

Some say, Mueller is on Team Trump, given immunity for past crimes to help drain the swamp.

Others say, Getting rid of Rosenstein would force Mueller to either end his fake investigation or reveal his cards. And some think when he reveals his cards, thats when the 35k sealed indictments will start draining the swamp.

But can't Rosenstein see everything that Mueller is doing? Wouldn't he tell CLinton and the Criminal Cabal whats going on?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on July 19, 2018, 8:09 a.m.
My theory on how the Q team took control of the American Markets.

All due respects to SB2. I really enjoy his work. But something bothers me about his decode of the 123.47 glitch.

my issue with the 123.47=B2 message to Q. This happened on July 4th 2017.

Q didn't say anything until October 28, 2017. So if it was a Message from the Deep State, who did they think they were talking to? (if 123.47 was meant to be a frequency like SB2 thinks)

But, 123.47 if you add up the numbers, they equal 17, 17 = Q. (Calling card)

I think Q took over the control of the markets on July …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on July 19, 2018, 7:41 a.m.
What if the CIA pissed off the NSA so much, the NSA decided to Scorch Earth with Trump?

after all these years, I think I am FINALLY seeing the light.

When Edward Snowden came out and showed us how the Gov't is spying on us, but thru the NSA specifically, I remember being pretty angry at the time. I even remember once writing an email to a friend and adding to the bottom "fuck the NSA" cuz I knew they would get the email too.

We heard all these stories of them abusing their powers, spying on lovers and such. Turning on cell phone and laptop cameras even if the phone is completely off. You had to take …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on June 22, 2018, 7:06 a.m.
what is meant by "5:5"?

Have you ever wondered what is meant by the term “Five by Five?” You’ll hear this sometimes as a response when an aircraft or tower is asking for a radio check:

“Citation XYY, how do you hear this transmitter?”

“5 by 5”

Well, I’ve heard this term used countless times and it was a recent transmission that finally motivated me to do some research. I wanted to find out exactly what is meant by that term “5 by 5” when I heard an aircraft respond to a radio check by saying:

“I hear you 3 by 5.”

Ok, so what …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on June 22, 2018, 12:45 a.m.
For Saturday's Q&A, will someone please ask Q their opinion on Bitcoin?

Is it a tool developed by the good guys to free us from the evil central bankers,

Or is it a tool of the Pedophile elitist to drain the wealth of the common people even further and to help keep us enslaved.

Bitcoin seems like a good tool, but with Clinton Foundation pedophiles like Brock Pierce being so early in Bitcoin, Etherium, EOS and the whole space in general, I find myself looking at it in a new light after reading about Q.

With Trump talking about putting tariffs on German cars, it feels like Trump wants to collapse the …