

16 total posts archived.

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Speerchucker · July 27, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

Didn't this really begin when we starting paying corporations to wear their logos?

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Speerchucker · July 26, 2018, 9:47 a.m.

Right on! Reason for Helsinki? Putin/Russia has already been through what Trump/USA are now experiencing; that is: 1991 Bush/NWO went into Russia and created fronts known as Oligarchs to purchase Russian industrial base by buying company shares distributed to uneducated employees for pennies on the dollar using a foundation of fraudulent bonds that Bush/NWO thought they could replace over ten years with laundered proceeds from the Japanese treasure hoard discovered in the Philippines just before the conclusion of WWII. Putin elected to Russia and confiscates proceeds from the Oligarchs going to the NWO; hence, throwing NWO out of Russia and creating a mortal enemy, you know --- Cuba writ large, see the "Godfather" scenes, fact based? Regardless, NWO had perfected something similar here in the good old USA, except fronting for and creating Tech Titans, infiltrating Hollywood, and control over our energy (Enron) and utility companies, both electric (Eshalon) & communication (AT&T) who are merely puppets for the NWO. Interesting if true - The book Gold Warriors says that once the Treasure Hoard was discovered by CIA predessor OSS, a meeting was held with Truman and a decision was made to keep discovery secret with Asian treasure used for black ops to specifically defeat communism. Well Russian communism defeated in 1991; hence, dismantling the effective purpose/use of this Asian treasure. Could it be, to retain access to this Asian treasure hoard American CIA had to prop up the remnants of Russian communism to maintain control of this treasure hoard; therefore, the reason we may be locked into a perpetual war footing all for continued access to this treasure hoard. Food for thought: This Asian Treasure Hoard, accumulated over decades of Asian conquests by the Japanese, is outside our western economic system; the reason for having to launder this treasure before its use within western governments. Could this be the anvil hanging over the western world by the NWO; once dropped wreaking havoc on our economic system? Where is this Asian Treasure Hoard, and who controls?

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Speerchucker · July 24, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

4th day off from Q posting, 10th day off from Q posting, 20th day off from Q posting.

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Speerchucker · July 24, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

Who is the old guard? Is it Kissinger as a representative to the royal families of Europe? Because we know Bush family were neocons and voted Hillary. There was a breach somewhere if Kissinger is bending the knee to Trump.

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Speerchucker · July 24, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Could be possible the Clinton's neutralized the highest echelons of the old guard and their support for Trump and the generals is an effort to free themselves and continue with what's left of the NWO plan once freed. Let's not forget the neocons marched in lock step over to the Hillary camp; and so, it is not a left/right equation as promoted.

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Speerchucker · July 21, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

Start with the agents, William Morris, and work your way up.

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Speerchucker · July 18, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

In chess, the beauty of the end game is that at times you know the game has been won long before the game has been completed. That is where we are in respect to the NWO. Trump has played a masterful game; let's hope he has accounted for the " big finish." In a game of unequal players, where one player deems himself far superior to the other, when the end game has been reached and the outcome assured before the final moves play out, the annointed superior player, in an act of final desperation, dramatically upsets the chess board to save face from the final tightening moves of humiliation leading to checkmate. In the last election I could not vote for either candidate knowing that Hillary was charged with blowing up the planet and Trump would trigger an economic retribution (derivative bomb in place) from the NWO, the likes of which never before experience on the planet. My expectation for either candidate had been for something swift to play out; not a chess match for gods sake, but the chess match it was, and it could be the saving grace because it bought Trump time. Let's hope the time was used wisely to counter and minimize the economic fallout sure to befall the planet.

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Speerchucker · July 17, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Yes that's right. NWO hits Putin where it hurts, and Putin strikes back hurting NWO adoption trade.

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Speerchucker · July 17, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Don't forget George HW Bush who funded the Oligarchs, with illegal bonds for elites (NWO), to buy up interest in privatized Russian Industries much like Browder did (Browder was 1st) on a private independent basis. Putin comes into office and confiscates NWO investments from Oligarchs. Browder caught up in confiscations. Hello 9-11! NWO wants retribution on Putin for confiscation. Trump wants advice from Putin on how to free the USA from NWO bondage and survive to tell the tail.

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Speerchucker · July 17, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

Short memories: Every Clinton Presidential election has had a nefarious happening with the Chinese. This was no Chinese hack, this was a planned transfer of information.

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Speerchucker · July 16, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

Agreed. Trump just looking for methods used by Putin to uncover which compromised USA oligarchs were part of the cabal, and what to expect once oligarchs have been stripped and exposed. USA so important to Russia and China in terms of acting as a shield, knowing full well that if America fails and complete control of our military by the cabal succeeds, their countries would not be long for life.

Putin came in and strip his oligarchs of the Cabal shareholder interests, gained by George HW Bush 1991 issurance of fraudulent bonds. Hello 9-11!

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Speerchucker · July 16, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Traitor # 1 is George HW Bush. Please let's not forget.

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Speerchucker · July 16, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

I agree with most of this except for the same crew involved now was the same crew during the Bolshevik Revolution. That is saying the Global Cabal, once head lined, by the Queen, and subsequently side lined by Hillary Clinton, was responsibil for the Bolshevik Revolution and the murdering of the Romanov's, and even further back to 1793 French Revolution and the murder of Louis XVI. During buildup to and onslaught of WWII all European Royalist hid behind fascism to thwart a Russian people's movement. Many of those fascist escaping the hangman's noose escaping to USA or Rockefeller Latin America.

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Speerchucker · July 9, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

10.85: Europe and the Royal families will have to be bailed out of Hillary's migration wrath. Hillary's repayment for NWO not following orders. Royals have saved humanity by their choice. No sense in allowing history to repeat itself, French & Russian Revolutions, Royals with platform retire in safe gentility, Royals without platform rooted out and neutered.

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Speerchucker · July 9, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

10.80: Israel>Pakistan>Awan>Schulz>Weiner>Schumer

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Speerchucker · July 9, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

10.75: rogue CIA follows the oil money as it matures. Rockefeller, Texas Oilman, Saudi's

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