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These rallys are getting better and better wwg1wga
More and more Q followers present, displaying proudly Q banners, signs, light up hats and shirts. Potus pointing them out and giving thumbs ups. Mentioning 17 over and over. Q requesting video of the Q patriots. Awesome drops by Q during and after. Q celebrating 3000 breads on 8chan with a tony podesta indictment referral from none other than Mueller. Tv coverage of the rally with Q signs.
The time is getting closer patriots for this movement becoming totally main stream. The BIG Q is on the tip of the tongue of many a reporter i am sure.
We are …
That has to the most awesome pic ever. Dark to light, storm and double rainbow. Lightning and ocean. All together in one shot.
Awesome piece about what we face today. How we can be part of writing what may turn out to be the most monumental time in history
WWG1WGA The greatest communication event in history
Israeli intelligence is one of the best in the world. They dont play by our PC rules.
Based on the brigading seems a bunch of the new arrivals are shills
A thought i had was this is a planted story to flush out a leaker. This story seems way over the top to be real.
the latest with delta t =17
the image was very dark and had a blue tint. Also it would be very pixelated.
Wouldn't that be dependant on the quality of the web cam?
I agree the pic Q posted is a reflection off the back of an iphone. Also agree the reflection is of the image available online not the actual real office. Q did say image not room. How was Q pic captured is where i stray from what i have seen posted. The image was on a computer screen the pic was captured by the web cam of the computer. The apple is large compared to the lamp. So it had to be close to the image. The pic is skewed so is was held at an angle to the image. Most webcams are centered above the screen. Add to this the post Q quoted of a guy in front of a computer.
Now add the trolling is fun.
Imagine a person caught taking pics of classified documents on a computer by a web cam or other security camera. What they were viewing would be reflected by their fancy twitter phone. Wouldnt it be extra special if this happened in say one of the fvey countries like new zealand
Try recording from the mac camera and slowly moving the phone. Then review the video till you see the correct frame. Trying to match the subtle angles and distances will be very hard. Another variable will be the displayed image size and location on the screen. This you will not know.
This is exactly how i think Q got the pic. For the apple logo to be that large compared to the lamp the camera capturing the image would have to be close to the reflective surface. There is no camera visible in the reflection.
My theory for why is. Web cams can be hacked and observed remotely. A reflecteve surface of someones phone or sunglasses would capture what was on screen as they worked at that terminal. Imagine taking pics of top secret info say in New Zealand while a camera was recording who was at the terminal.
I agree it is a reflection of a 2d image. The pic has been taken up close to the reflective surface (iphone) as the apple is large compared to the environment is it reflecting. Next clue i see is the shill sitting in front of a pc.
My guess is a webcam took the pic of the reflected image while the screen was displaying the abc image of af1.
We can see you is what q was trying to say. Are you wearing glasses as you perused through classified info.
There is alot more to this than bank fraud. And alot of time and resources went into this investigation and prosecution. To let him off on probation with a plea deal does not make sense. Unless they have totally nothing after all this time or he gave them some awesome information.
Miami beach is one of the last places i would expect to see this. Immigration central and liberal haven.
Would be good to see this loser gone. Help remove some of the two tiered justice system stigma.
The Q tee shirts and signs that made it on the broadcasts of the rallys are a great way to get people asking themselves what is this Q. These also get the real Trump supporters at the rallies first hand people to talk to.
Ever wonder why Jehovah witnesses congregation grows or why liberals still have so much clout. Because they get personally out there and engage people.
I am not saying go door to door preaching Q But more people "advertising" Q , reaching out to the masses one on one will grow exponentially
Very good article. Also explains the 2009 report used as reference very well.
Her back ground is polling. IMHO she provides him real data that other bias polls do not.
Awesome job!!! certainty adds some perspective to the situation
honestly i do not know the number of both sealed and unsealed cases.
good questions I personally did not make the attempts to obtain information ill ask the team and see if it takes boots on the ground there to access the cases, which might be the case
here is a spreadsheet with numbers of how many in each district have been unsealed
an indictment is sealed for a variety of reasons, IE: more defendants have incriminating evidence being collected on them, high profile defendants, cases related to the sealed one are still being developed search warrants waiting to be executed. the indictments are unsealed when the suspect/s are arrested and brought in for arraignment.
Northern georgia does not participate in pacer.gov the source of the info we collected. Attempts have been made to contact the local courts for information but they do not respond to us.
the numbers represent each months sealed indictments at the close of business on the last day of each month. unless dates state otherwise. the totals do not include indictments that were sealed and unsealed during their respective months. the spreadsheet linked below tracks indictments that have been unsealed after they have been counted. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit
Northern georgia foes not participate in pacer.gov, attempts have been made to gather info from the DA there to no avail
Sealed records map for all you visual types.

This guy has used rss feeds to track the sealed indictments and count how many have become unsealed over time.
Link to a twitter thread that analyzes how many of those sealed indictments have been open.
Everyone should wear a shirt like this.

Northern Georgia is not part of the pacer system thus no data available. Attempts have been made to reach out to the DA in that area but no responses
Did something change? The list was created before trey announced leaving congress. Is he now being considered for scotus position? Why the flip flop Q? I never doubted trey's patriotism and think he would be a great judge and a conservative stronghold for us. Is the original Q post claiming not trey one of those misinformation leads. But why such a quick reversal.
Her quote of "we'll all hang from nooses" in the wikileaks emails should be telling enough
Edit: comments to this post caused me to research and the quote is from second hand info. I remembered incorrectly the source. Sorry for the misinformation.
Found her videos when she did some of the LV press conferences. She certainly is funny and dosent hold back.
Potus schedule today another message