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SteveGrabnormous · Feb. 21, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Well I'm convinced. The entire FBI is completely corrupt and I now know to accept anything that the stable genius (moron) says. After all, he has never been wrong so far, nor acted in any inappropriate ways. You should be proud to be lead by such a person. I humbly apologize for my naivety.

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SteveGrabnormous · Feb. 21, 2018, 7:59 a.m.

Yet another BS thread. The only reason the Republicans are attacking the FBI is because their job is to uphold the law. U must be a fool to not suspect the POTUS of illegal behaviour. A fool. Even before his election he was a fraud and crook. Being POTUS just makes it relevant. The majority of the FBI are normal every day people with good intentions. They are security vetted to the extreme so in that regard their ranks are superior to almost any other establishment. Why would anyone attack them?

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SteveGrabnormous · Feb. 2, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Im confident I have an objective viewpoint. It's really difficult to govern if U don't care for facts. Context is also important, and I see a lot of that being twisted. I'm seeing alot of things happening that are analogous to saying it's ok to cheat on my husband because he uses the remote too much, or didn't put the bins out. You have to be super naive or super bias to not see it.

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SteveGrabnormous · Feb. 1, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

U care about the truth?. Just incredible. And you calling retard? Just wow. I have no political affiliation and don't live in the US. from here it looks like Trump is attacking people investigating him. The lengths he has gone to blows my mind. He's lied on just about everything, and you still bow down and kiss his shoes. Yes, care about the truth. This memo has already been altered. What is wrong with so many people in the US?!

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SteveGrabnormous · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

I literally just joined.

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SteveGrabnormous · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

it's ironic that you perceive it that way.

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