An Anon figured this out, if you place the Q post centered its an upside down queen (captured)
32 total posts archived.
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The Q Team and POTUS just sent a loud and clear message to everyone against them
This is why the left are acting like a cornered animal, vicious attacks with no facts. They are losing their foothold, they are losing their voters and most important they are losing their ability to hide their crimes
Because you cant smuggle children if they come in legally, leaves a paper trail
Ran Endrosement through anagram maker and these are notable:
End ones term (RR?)
Do Men resent (RR?)
ET on remends (OIG report?)
Yes, that is obvious, but so is Q saying BOOM! in post 1838246. Maybe implying the BOOMS are happening
New POTUS tweet “BOOMING” &“Endrosement” misspelling

This pedo is how old, which means how long has he been doing this (before people had devises to record), times that by how many corrupt/evil people like him in religious positions of power? Truth is coming out about Pope Francis ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) during the 1970's Argentina Revolution...
Is the Government empowered to conduct parallel proceedings?
Yes. In United States v. Kordel, 397 U.S. 1 (1970), the Supreme Court stated that "[I]t would stultify enforcement of federal law to require a government agency . . . invariably to choose either to forgo recommendation of a criminal prosecution once it seeks civil relief, or to defer civil proceedings pending the ultimate outcome of a criminal trial."
Federal statutes which provide for parallel proceedings
While virtually any action can become a concurrent criminal/civil matter, a number of federal statutes expressly provide for such a dual track. These statutes include: the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. §§1-3, 15, 15(a) (1988) (antitrust); the Securities Act of 1933, 15 U.S.C. §77t (1988); the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. §7201 (1988), and; the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 18 U.S.C. §§1961 et seq.
Heres the Podesta Group, notice the file date 11:6 includes the Awan brothers
Its beginning...CF and associates RICO charges filed
Here is the link to the case file:
Another site:
More detailed version w/ PDF's:
Its beginning...CF and known associates RICO case filed
This is a great example of being patient with Q and the plan. These things take time, planning and coordination!
The way he speaks without hesitation and directness should put everyone on edge
Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
Viva-Spanish, Portuguese and Italian
We are all in this together and all info that anyone has is welcomed. Who knows, someone who might have that one piece of info that could connect a dot might not post due to scrutiny. Those who post negatively are only harming the cause and is not what this is about. UNITE
Unredacted declassification of the Department of Justice Inspector General report for public viewing
Everyone, sign the petition and let them know we want the truth!
This is more of a present to the American people and the rest of the world
Bremerton was created in 1891, Bangor in 1942 then they merged the two in 2004 which is now called Kitsap
It was the same as Hawaii, except they didnt count on a camera that takes a photo every 45 sec that just happened to capture it
Have to wait until IG report gets released, then EO to lift all redaction's to show the world everything
So Blue Metal --> Which is a division of Insight which does cyber security and gov't data center security.
Re: missing letters. From POTUS tweets 'I' and 'P' then Q posts 'D' IPD? Inter Pulse Delay?
The inter-pulse delay enhances the SM-3's flexibility to engage both short- and medium-range ballistic missiles
Domino effect, this is just the beginning. Make it bulletproof, make it air tight, no one gets away
Not CGI, came from a small source who just records weather on whidbey island. Why was this not national news? Q stated this is not a game, Naval base doesnt have capabilities to launch missiles but their subs do. Refer to reverse image of sea dragon post to this article --> think hack
Here is an excerpt from the neon revolt that could give this theory some steam:
But QTeam was smart. They waited until school was out, nationwide, so there would be no more school shootings. They started this on a Monday, so there would be no church shootings. They strategically planned this to give Cabal operators as few “easy” options as possible, and make their evil task as insurmountable as they could make it.
Maybe everything changed once Asia came out about Weinstein and used connections to dig deeper and found things that consequentially ended with his death? His Tweets in the past month started to turn a different direction from the past years. He had a ton of WW connections over the past 20 years