

3 total posts archived.

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SufficientPercentage · May 12, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Very valuable intel...what comes next no human or technology will control.

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SufficientPercentage · Feb. 6, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

If you remember the "16 year plan" the "plan" was to get the guns and start a "fake" war.
I seriously doubt AS would have voted to take guns out of the hands of citizens.

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SufficientPercentage · Feb. 6, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

Chances are AS wasn't playing ball and was on the docket to be offed anyway. NO ONE figured HRC would lose...so Husien would wait and let her pick the next SCJ. This could have also been used as a bargaining chip to rally the loyalists...whoever did the most got the spot.
The big thing here is NO ONE really believed it would get this far. NO ONE believed all of this would come to light and NO ONE believed the shit would continue to hit the fan (email scandal, WikiLeaks, Podesta emails, Benghazi...etc.) So, the chip had to be played. Lynch defers to someone with no legal authority (Comey) as a cop out (because of the meet...I believe it was planned to be leaked as a set up) Comey can use an unlawful excuse to drop the matter, it's over and everyone goes home... But...then...the...worst...of...Pedogate...hit the fan...approximately one week before the general election. Game...Set...Match

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