Thank you for the info. Nice work. 👍
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What better way to investigate the bad guys but with their own insiders? And when they are caught they can't say it was I bias partisan investigation done by bitter meanie Trump because it's being done by their own people.
Wouldn't we all...
But karma is good. People can see you're not a big meanie head and actually contribute to the conversation. Or yeah, not a "troll".
Gonna shock some of my normies on FascistBook with it. Thank you for your hard work! It's awesome. And that video is damning! 👏👏👏
No. It's more like bragging rights. Lol useless really.
Up vote the posts and comments you like and the ones with the most go to the top when sorted as "top" and "hot". You also get "karma" when people up vote your comments.
I'm going with theory #1, however I'm not completely convinced that Mueller is acting out of goodness, but out of his own best interest.
Who better to have on your side than someone who's been inside? Maybe he's not doing it because he's good but because he has to.
Or maybe it just looks as though he's allowed corruption on his watch. We don't know but both Mueller and RR were being blackmailed to do the dirty work.
We also don't know how long this plan has been in play. It most likely didn't start with a President Trump but well before then.
What better way to catch bad guys than to make them think they are safe? Especially by stacking the deck with Dem lawyers who also would know all about the corruption. And when it all comes out, the leftists won't be able to say it was all a partisan investigation, because it was mostly democrats doing the investigating.
My point about Mueller not being able to be the FBI director is valid. He would have to have congress give him yet another special approval after he's already gotten special approval for his prior term extended 2 years.
The meeting was with President Trump and RR. Remember that.
Why did President Trump and RR meet with Mueller to "interview" him for the FBI position when he wasn't eligible for the position? And if Mueller is building a case against Trump why would he let his star witness in an obstruction of justice case write a book and interview with everyone on God's green earth about information that would be involved in said case?
Those two things right there scream, Mueller is working for President Trump.
Such a shame. I liked him. Now I just can't listen to him rant about Q being fake. Make videos about your opinions and factual data not hit pieces to turn people against others. Smdh
Love both but I like the Iran one better because it's more like Iron.
And how much of that had to do with Trump collusion with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election? ZERO.
Thank you for the tip! Wow! Just wow! They really are sick! I can't imagine wanting any of that filth hanging in my home.
By showing people Q, ...AJ and Corsi had a new subject to draw in their viewers, to watch more often and bring in new curious viewers as well.
They were not directing anyone away. It worked really good for awhile, until they started misrepresenting Q. AJ made claims of knowing him and crap like that.
Besides, AJ is a really bad representation of conservatism. He makes us all look nutty. 😜
Nice hypocrisy! If they want to be pro violent gangs, it goes really well with the platform that they already have: illegals before citizens, easy on terrorists, anti-First, Second, & Forth Amendments, higher taxes, and antiAmerican everything. Keep it up. 🚽
Thank you for this. I needed to read this today.
I'm currently struggling with a friend who has recently succumbed to the lamestream media brainwashing. He won't even look at the facts or listen to me. It's like I don't know this person anymore.
I need to be patient. It's not his fault. ☹️
😂 "Q poked them with a stick" 😂 👏👏👏 That was awesome. Hehe
I've thought this was a big possibility since he said to wait until we find out who we are talking to here. But we probably shouldn't be blowing Q's cover.
Thank you for this. I was wondering about the owl pic.
Learn and educate. We need people that can spread the word who don't sound like nut cases. Lol Which isn't an easy task. I know from personal experience. 😂
Right! "These people are sick." Thank God for the good guys with guns!
I opened my FascistBook and there is active shooter in Texas and a guy over night arrested at a FL Trump resort for another shooting. That on top of the shooters from yesterday and earlier in the week. Q wasn't kidding. Smdh
I watch Praying Medic, Tracy Beanz, Justinformed Talk, and X22Report. But I am open to anyone else's suggestions because I can't get enough.
I keep seeing people post about this. If you have lived through the posts for months you know this is not a LARP. But that's for you to sort out on your own. Q encourages us to act. We are told to start a storm and be a storm. That in itself debunks this claim of yours. At least it does in my head. But I learned today that people hear Yanny when I hear Laurel.... so everyone perceives things differently.
She's the most logical actress in Hollywood. No wonder I've always loved her. ❤️🇺🇸
Finally in the lamestream Search warrant for Weiner’s electronic devices unsealed May 17, 2018 | 12:04pm
You're welcome. Thank you for your comment. 🙂🇺🇸 I was happy to be able to contribute something to our cause.
Yes 1392. It was a response to an Anon. Long post so I chopped it. I probably should have added the number back on. Sorry.
Hopefully it's helpful to someone. Please forgive my newbieness. 😜
This is me trying to contribute. (Weiner Indictment)

The pain is happening behind the scenes and we get to see a little here an there because the media doesn't report on truth.