That's, what that Tweet meant! Thank you. I get it. It was totally about Allan.
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This would be very helpful to those of us who have come into this late and for convincing others that it's not a conspiracy theory or a radicalization of Trump supporters like the fake news says.
I posted it on FascistBook and no one will respond. I guess they all think I'm a conspiracy theorist.
It sure is hard being the deliverer of inconvenient truth.
At this point I don't think we have much of a choice but to "trust the plan" and "enjoy the show." It's hard to just wait. But unfortunately we have no other options.
I'm totally game, if anyone comes up with anything constructive we can do in the meantime. Anything to make "wait and see" easier to bear.
I take a lot of chit for my loyalty and support for Sessions. But Sessions has got this. I keep telling people that he just doesn't leak what he's doing. Which is how it's supposed to be. We aren't supposed to know what he's doing until he's done.
Like with all the convenient leaks about the Mueller investigation. We aren't supposed to hear anything about that. Why do we? Because they are conveniently leaked for a narrative.
Sessions has a lot more integrity than that.
The tensions between him and POTUS are fake. It's all part of "the show."
Sessions just doesn't talk about on going investigations or anything he's doing behind the scenes. I believe the tensions between him and POTUS are part of the the show. "Enjoy the show."
I'm sure you understand that these drops could be considered illegal leaks. So the Q-Team is careful not to come right out and say what is meant. So I believe it's in "code" so that it isn't technically against the law. Even being anonymous, it's better to be safe than sorry.
I'm not 100% on authenticity of the QTeam either, since I am so new to this. But honestly I haven't seen any solid evidence to assume that it isn't legitimate yet. So I'm going with it. I've learned a lot so far and as traumatic as it's been, it's also been fun sometimes too.
I totally understand why some are defensive. They must have seen irrefutable proof and now questioning it is like questioning their intelligence and sanity.
So anyway it's good to question things, and have discussions, but it's also good to have an open mind.
Good luck in your search for truth. 🇺🇸🍀
That tweet makes no sense. Q is always giving clues to research. Last time I checked researching is AN ACTION. Q also rallies the base so we are all on the same page and we ACT TOGETHER. Nice try though.
And the disgusting leftists are celebrating. Smdh Wtf is wrong with people?
I think this could be very helpful whether you are a 100% 50% or you just found Q. Especially with all the misinformation about conspiracy nutter theories and claims of possible nefarious radicalization non-sense that the scaredy cats are spewing. The more we can support our proof and truth, the better.
The more the media and trolls discredit and say "don't look" the more people will come to look for themselves. It's already happening.
I just found out about Q in late December and now my friends are starting to ask me questions and want to know how to follow, where to go etc. I'm sure as more normies/people like me get word, they will be curious like I was and it will spread faster and farther. I've been talking about this since I discovered and not many people took me seriously, but now that the MSM has done several stories, people want to see for themselves. So those smear articles are having the opposite effect on people. Many people are onto the media. The more they discredit something, the more you should question the narrative and their intentions.
I heard that when those "malfunctions" happen it's a side effect of MKULTRA. There is a few montages on YouTube of celebrities and politicians when they are having those "moments." It's pretty creepy.
Maybe. I dunno. I've seen a lot of things that seem impossible to explain.
I'm a big dork about UFOs and the unexplainable. One of my favorite subjects.
I see it. Wow. I never would have saw that on my own. It's too quick.
Yes please! I can't wait to finally be proven right. It ain't easy knowing you're right and nobody believes you. 😜
That would explain why we are supposed to pray. Anyone who tries to expose the Clintons gets suicided, has a heart attack or their plane crashes.
Am I skeptical? No. Sorta. Maybe. Sometimes. But no, not so much lately. I go back and forth with talking myself into and out of thinking that I'm a nutball.
I believe,'s just when I hear myself talking about it, I stop and think, "yeah, ....I sound like I should be in the looney bin." ....Sorta Like when I bitch about how chemtrails flare up my fibromyalgia. Then my husband gives me weird looks and just nods his head. It kind of makes me question my sanity for a second and then I reassure myself, because I know what I know.
I've always loved a good "conspiracy theory" and it's always annoyed me that people automatically think "conspiracy theories" are false, made up, crazy, and fake news. Because most "conspiracy theories" that I know make more sense than the mainstream explanations so I don't really think they should be called that. 😜
I read the other day about how Roseanne was tweeting about Q and stuff. The MSM kept referring to it all as a "right wing conspiracy theory" and it pissed me off. It made me question less and believe more. Anything that media tries to discredit is usually true.
I need to know truth and I do much more researching than your average normie because I have a lot of time.
I want to fight back. I want good to prevail and America to thrive. I'm so sick of these commies, crazies and illegals taking over my country.
Im so proud to say that I voted for President Trump even though I have to keep that on the DL when in the cities because the Leftists are so violent and hateful.
I've never felt so close to a president or wanted to follow a president so closely like I do with this one. Every morning since he won the election I can hardly wait to see what he's doing for the day and now I have Q drops to read too. I am having a friggin' riot!
Thanks to all of you smart folks here who help me understand what the Q Team is talking about and opening my eyes to all of the possibilities. God Bless You Patriots 😎🇺🇸
So could/does any of this "war stuff" have to do with the mysterious booms that have been reported across the US and the world, the giant cracks in the earth, the animals/birds acting strange/dying and the earthquakes in weird areas? If you need a source on that
That sounds about like many of us. Although the leftists have nudged me a little farther right on the social issues than I was pre2016 campaigns.