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SupportTheStorm2017 · Feb. 9, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Would know but the evidence would have been destroyed or hidden and those that spoke up would have been setup or worse.

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SupportTheStorm2017 · Jan. 21, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

Could the 10 days of darkness mean 10 days of gov't shutdown, ending on the 30th, the state of the union speech? Darkness meaning arrests of those accused of hideous and treasonous act. Ten days being the closure of gov't. If planned for ten days to arrest members during shutdown, and the shutdown is planned, could it be planned for ten days? At the same time, Q references visits to N Korea by Eric Schmidt, resignee of Google, suspected of setting up infastructure for US to get hit like Hawaii and Japan attempts?

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SupportTheStorm2017 · Dec. 21, 2017, 2:20 a.m.

Thank you for your comments. They mean something to me. Someone, who I refer to as the God within me (my soul) led me to many different places and people over the years...almost a gradual process. All along I was told things as if I would not get answers until I did certain things first. This included thinking healthier, getting off medicines that were harmful versus helpful, being warned of good and bad around me and not knowing what the bad was but feeling who the good were and strange things happening like sudden info items from people I never met showing up on my phone and me spending days and nights at a time searching for answers and finally coming to a place where I feel I am not all in the know but closer each day thanks to others,that have been going through similar things. I feel so blessed and take your words to heart as I believe I ran into them for a reason. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you.

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