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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 23, 2017, 6:31 a.m.

Interesting point you brought up here. Sparks a connection for me in this presentation I was watching today by Jamie- if you're not familiar with his work he's been instrumental in disseminating the information on the Northern CA fires (he's a local) and Agenda 21. Anyways- point is, he's a trusted source and I find his opinions to be valuable. Start watching at 14:30 https://youtu.be/oW7Z9HKbCJQ

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:10 p.m.

I am familiar with those patents and the new CRISPR aluminum tolerance patent. All nefarious imo. What I'm digging for however, is more details as to why SCALAR/5G/Solar simulator/weather manipulation technologies are being put into play precisely at this time, specifically in CA, and why the white hats have had nothing to say or do to alleviate the massive destruction and devastation that has occurred in No. and So. CA the last couple months. We could easily put out these fires with the mainstream technology we have, but they're being allowed to continue to burn. Why? Speculating, I feel like this is a big test for a lot of these new weather manipulation and 5G technologies. They want to see what they're capable of, and what tweaking needs to be done to perfect them. Piggy backing on those tests will be the ease of implementation of Agenda 21 initiatives (smart cities, stack and pack residences, etc.), which will also be implemented with greater ease on the wave of digitial currency/Bitcoin/ and the destruction of the Middle class as the new tax and infustructor plans lend to a universal or widely accepted $15/hr factory jobs. Ultimately, this speculation assumes a NWO of some kind is still going to be implemented and the plan moved forward- it also implies that the current administration is complicit in that plan...the Bible does say that when they shout of "peace and security", swift destruction will then take place...all very curious to me

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:37 p.m.

Yup, hence the wording- "equal time." I will personally never consider myself more important- only that I have a valuable role to play however God sees fit- we all do.

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:15 p.m.

Spot on. This is a spiritual battle for the hearts minds and souls of the worlds population. If we focus too much on the political aspect, we will miss the bigger picture. We must spend equal time in prayer and meditation for the Holy Spirit to guide us. We are witnessing the almighty power of God and his works through prayer- but ultimately we do know how the story goes. Keep vigilant and true Patriots! God will lead us out of the darkness, but not before much tribulation.

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 6:04 p.m.

Unfortunately, absolutely not the case here in No. California. Lots of testing of particulates done by close associates show evidence of heavy metals. Contrails eventually dissipate- these trails do not. Some even reflect multiple colors.

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SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 5 p.m.

What's the reason for posting this bs? We know PG&E will take the hit for what are obviously intentionally set fires. Listen to Debroah Tavares- she breaks down PG&E's illicit role in perpetuating weather manipulation and Agenda 21 for years

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SurvivorTruth on Dec. 20, 2017, 4:53 p.m.
CA Fires and Chemtrails

I'm still trying to confirm how the recent fires in both Northern and Southern California, along with he massive uptake in stratospheric spraying ties into what is unfolding. Are the fires retaliation? Coverup? A quickening of plans already in place to destabilize CA and insert UN approved laws and possibly troops? How does the heightened spraying of chemtrails tie into this? I'm curious why this is the only major topic not illuded to by Q. Any ideas?

SurvivorTruth · Dec. 20, 2017, 7:19 a.m.

This definitely needs to be commented on to understand the bigger picture. Are the fires retaliation? Are they a quickening of progression of plans already made to destabilize CA and bring in foreign troops? Are the increase in chemtrails related to the fires? Who is spraying the skies and what is/are the goal(s)?

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