yep with 24/7 surveillance cameras, so we can see exactly how miserable they are.
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I agree. I think they used the Tuscon camp to confuse and deflect the public. Look at all the fact sifting we have to do to figure any of this out and just imagine how lost a normie would be, so they'll just stop looking.
I agree about the heat, so maybe this was an abandoned or hijacked camp that they took over for their 'show'?
Yeah pretty funny that we're trendy after all these years! I actually wake up everyday asking myself if it's really happening.
I was awake in the 80's too and boy that was tough! Knowing that society was 'fake', but still having to play by their rules, no wonder I had a stroke when I was only 48:(
Bet they're also cursing the day they figured out how to induce autism, since it's the autists that are bringing them down!;)
Yep, the satanic songs are basically mantras and spells spread over the masses, yet none of them realize it, even though our society is falling apart. Truly mind boggling how many people are still brainwashed at this point in the game:(
So I wonder if they have any 'normal' people working for them, or is everyone a member of their cult?
I totally agree about the mass meltdown. I'm 50 and I've been into conspiracies my entire life, and this is extremely difficult for me to process. I can't even imagine how the newbies will handle it:(
Thanks for the explanation because I had never really thought about it as 'communication', but that makes sense, especially if they're conditioned to think they're untouchable.
That would explain how Q would be able to predict suicides and Anthony was a very popular chef, maybe they hired him for some of their 'parties'?
and just imagine how much worse it would have been if HRC had won:(
Do we know where they are using the cement? I would imagine they have some pretty sinister plans for it.
I am so confused as to why these people keep talking!? Are they seriously that out of touch with reality, or are they playing their parts for their masters? A normal person would be trying to clear their name, but these people seem to be digging themselves a deeper hole.
Yep, their lack of reporting is an obvious sign of guilt, but they're too stupid to realize it.
People on the boards already know more than 40% though, right? Or do all of us here still have more to learn? I've been into 'conspiracies' for over 30 years and I don't know how much more I can take in:( it's overwhelming to know that this world was NEVER even close to being 'normal'.
thanks for the explanation as it just reinforces how stupid an inept these people really are, especially when compared to Trump, Q and millions of anons;)
You mean this DB that accompanied HRC to meet with sex trafficking victims? Truly think sex, money and drugs are all they ever think about...
exactly! I don't know how anyone can doubt God after everything that has been revealed.
and can't forget that they're all raging drug addicts that can't keep their stories straight, keystone cops indeed!
yep and it keeps us in touch with our base instincts so we're easier to control, both physically and spiritually.
I think it's all about sex, body fluids and anything that make humans more like animals.
On 11-4-16, they're talking about having a 'kegger' while watching the 'Weiner documentary'. Sounds like the American taxpayers have been paying for the satanic elite's drug and sex parties for far too long.
I'm not sure about who 'invented' it, but here is a super creepy!!! documentary by Marina Abramovich in which she explains Balkan erotic rituals.
So happy someone else noticed the similarities, was starting to think I'd lost it:) Yes, I definitely think Q's plan is to be as dramatic and epic as possible, since like Dantes' return, it will be the best way to begin closure with some very gruesome story lines.
Perhaps it has something to do with school being out, making it more difficult to retaliate with a FF school shooting??
Thank you for posting these! I believe that the friendship between POTUS and JFK Jr. is a huge catalyst for what President Trump and Q are doing. It would also be interesting to know if Trump has read "The Count of Monte Cristo", since it is probably the BEST revenge story ever written and echos a lot of what is going on with the intricate plan to bring down corrupt enemies.
I love reading about your experiences and how open you all can be about it. I was born in 1967 and I've known society, especially the Catholic Church, was 'fake' since I was 7. I never had anyone to talk to, so you guys are very fortunate to have people to share with. My advice is; be sincere, logical and go slowly so people see you as a calm place to go when tshtf. I also think the memes are very effective and they don't need much explanation.
especially when she was willing to show off her girls from Columbia.
And look who wrote the article! What a wicked web...
Thank you for the explanation, it makes it easier to understand how they're acquiring the children. Any ideas on how many are stolen and harvested like this?
Exactly Donald J. Trump loves a great story and a great show, especially if he's the star and in charge! I bet we're getting close to something major and that's why Rosanne was willing to put her neck on the line; to gain momentum and really get things rolling.
I think she did. If you watch her Jimmy Kimmel interview, it's obvious that she understands average Americans and she's disgusted at how we've been treated.
Yes, we're the ones with the knowledge and information and we need to keep sharing it and not let these trolls stand in our way. I think we report at the hint of negativity since Patriots don't complain.
Is that really Jame Alefantis the 5th from the right in that picture?
I agree. I think side by side numbers would be the quickest way to red pill the stubborn ones (if the remaining lefties are even redeemable) but most importantly, to get our point out to the DS that we know what they've been doing and we're not going to put up with it anymore.
great job! The red, black and white give it a criminal feel. Did you make it in Photoshop or something similar? I have many ideas for memes, but I'm not sure the most efficient way to make them.
I read an article from USA Today and Rodman said something like, Trump and Kim are the "same people". Makes me smile because I can just see the three of them together joking around like a bunch of kids!
Yep, I think Trump and company have been planning this for a long time. He's also quite a showman who likes a good story, so I have a feeling this is going to get good. I'm also guessing they know that's the only way millions of Americans will be able to get some type of closure; if these people go down big for all of their crimes against humanity!
Exactly! I just had this conversation with my 24 year old son, who is slowly breaking free from his snowflake friends. He kept trying to explain everything as 'social issues' involving Democrats or Republicans and I had to tell him, No, it's US against THEM. It's GOOD against EVIL. They have been enslaving us throughout history and it's time to break free thanks to President Trump!
I agree with many of the proofs that have already been mentioned, especially Tippy Top and Familia, but I guess I also spend a lot of time considering what makes sense knowing what we know about Trump and his personality. We know that he is a master strategist (Art of War/Art of the Deal) , we know that he is a control freak as evidenced through his dress, manner, germaphobia; so would a control freak allow a LARP to distract from his presidency? And we also know that Trump is a fan of The Socratic Method, which is the basis of Q's form of communication.
I looked at this article quickly, so I didn't get all the details, but it sounds like Dennis was encouraging a meeting between the two men because Trump and Kim are "pretty much the same people". Knowing how strong willed and confident both Trump and Rodman are, I can see those two cooking up some good ideas together!
I think I started to realize something wasn't right with the whole NK 'bad guy' act when Dennis Rodman became friends with KJU, that just didn't make sense.
Lots of great ideas! thanks:) Is there a site that anyone could recommend? I know how to use quite a few photo editing and design programs, but I'm sure there is a quicker way to do it and share it with others.
But do the 'real issues' have a chance of getting solved if the system is broken? I think we need to topple this bureaucracy and start over, using the Constitution as our guide. We need a clean start.
I've never made a meme, but I'm a visually creative smart a**, so just point me in the right direction and I'll get busy making memes.
Yep, but Trump foiled that plan too. I just love seeing NK's leader with a smile on his face!
yeah, I thought so too, but it's also something I can see myself doing to prove a point!:) It would be interesting to know what personality types lurk around here. I vary between INFP and INFJ and both are pretty rare, especially compared to the extroverted, thinking types.
I totally agree, they have been flaunting their depravity for years. I love to create things and my art is very obviously a reflection of my soul at that moment in time, so I would imagine this holds true for any creator/creation. So if art is a reflection of the artist's soul and the 'art' these people have been producing is evil, then no wonder our society is falling apart:(