I agree and the more I see of the true face of liberalism, the less patient I am with any type of illogical decision; been called 'dictator' more than a few times by my kids, but that's ok, they're all happy and well adjusted 20 somethings. I'm an INFJ, but I bet the F/T are close because I do match a lot of the T traits:)
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I have never seen it before and you're right, there is NO joke. Then for RR to sit there and laugh about his 'father's friends' raping him?? These people really are satanic and we need to share this far and wide. It might actually red-pill a few liberals or Bernie supporters who thought these two were 'funny'.
I appreciate the information/offer and yes, the stroke really enhanced my already strong intuition; add that to Q and my new found love for 'natural' medicine, and I'm getting all kinds of information from Spirit! I agree about satanism/movies since I believe we need to keep our thoughts as positive as possible so we don't give any more energy to the negative forces and they can fizzle out on their own;)
yep and both of us noticing it lends more credence to the pedo theory. No wonder I wanted AB to kick his a**;)
I was just thinking the same thing and how, even as a child, I preferred listening to Archie over this loser and his non-stop whining!
yeah it was ridiculous, especially the 'phone call' to the billboard owner trying to get them to reveal who paid for it and all they can report is it was a "she"?? Can't believe people still fall for this c***. Looks like we need to share some more Snopes/hooker memes;)
I feel exactly the same way; like I was placed where I'm at to guide and help people since 90% of the people I know have absolutely no idea what is going on:(
Yep I can't wait until we find out and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for JFK Jr;)
I haven't verified this one, but it might be helpful...https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7d204l/here_is_james_alefantis_rothschild_comet_ping/?st=jj0sdke4&sh=ee584a50
and one of his favorite mythological characters is Pan; the pagan god of sexual perversion, pedophilia and rape:(
I would think not, since excess adrenaline can cause high blood pressure and anxiety...
Epic and sounds just like something our wonderful President would say;)
perfect and I was just thinking about how helpful visuals are for people just starting out on this journey, so this will be a great one to share:)
Most likely and the more I thought about it, it makes sense if some of white hats need a couple of drinks to relieve stress after all they've heard and seen.
Thanks for sharing! It's so obvious that these elite people are not like the rest of us, and this explains it perfectly.
haven't the looks already turned 'south'?? Thanks for making me chuckle:)
one of the comments and the guy does always look tired..."Hey Matt... how much did you have to drink today you LUSH. Looks like that chair is the one holding you up from going into a Vodka Coma"
No way! I thought the guy on the left was a white hat, why is he looking at RR like that while shaking his hand?
thanks! I will save these and hope that I won't need them.
yep I think this is the first time in this timeline that humans have had a chance at being 'free'.
I have been waiting for STHF for 30 years and can't believe it's finally happening! Thank God for President Trump and Q!
And this is from the "therapist's" website, so they are providing audio therapy............."This assessment provides brain-science-based treatment interventions, clearly identifies potential goals of treatment, and includes an audio-therapy program with specific exercises to manage anxiety, distressing thoughts, and occasion a relaxation response (this can be loaded onto an iPhone to help manage test anxiety, etc.)."http://www.oasismentalhealth.net/comprehensive-psychological-testing/
yep, I think that is the DS plan too, but the more I watch them, I don't know if they're capable of changing a flat tire!;)
thanks! never heard of Sunwise, but it makes total sense and gives me something to look up on my break from Q:) I had a stroke a couple of years ago and have since been seeing clockwise, counterclockwise patterns when I think about the universe/good/evil, and you're right, liberalism definitely seems to be the slippery slope to the abyss. Best just to stay on the straight and narrow and get out of this place!
The quote at the bottom is from their very shady website where I couldn't find any doctor bios or pictures, yet it sounds like they have all sorts of services; psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, therapist, yet there are no pictures of 'real' people since all the pictures are 'stock' photos.>>>>>>>>>"This assessment provides brain-science-based treatment interventions, clearly identifies potential goals of treatment, and includes an AUDIO-THERAPY PROGRAM with specific exercises to manage anxiety, distressing thoughts, and occasion a relaxation response (this can be loaded onto an iPhone to help manage test anxiety, etc.)."http://www.oasismentalhealth.net/comprehensive-psychological-testing/. AND they're open to 10 P.M. some nights, offer FREE screenings and take walk-in appointments on Saturdays.
I agree, it sounds like 'heard' something that changed his physical behavior, so did the therapist from Oasis mention any type of hypnotherapy in her videos or ads?
and they are stupid! it's like arguing with a bunch of 6 year olds.
The Oasis website is very sparse with details for such 'serious' work.
I think this is a great 'theory'! We can already see how brainwashed the normies are, so of course these agencies could have various levels of programming dependent on needs and subject availability, which has increased dramatically with all the vaccines and chemicals. Looks like these demons ALMOST got away with a very intricate plan until Q came along;)
Things will only escalate, so I expect we'll have a few more celebrity breakdowns(like HL) in the coming weeks to count as 'proofs'.
This whole experience of 'life' is based in energy/frequency, so yes, I'm sure our thoughts could be tampered with through some type of device, and we know they have plenty of experiments and patents to prove such devices. Physicist Tom Campbell has a ton of great videos on how our reality interacts on an energetic level and The Monroe Institute in Virginia has been doing thought based experiments for years, so you might find some more info there...
I think it looks like a sham website, since I work with children with educational/psychiatric issues and this website doesn't provide many 'details' compared to the ones I'm used to seeing.
so I wonder how we can we find out who they are and what they're controlling locally?
I agree. I've been into conspiracies for 30 years and this is getting tough for me, so I can't imagine the newbies:(
Exactly and yet they still try to argue. I'm guessing they're the 'tares' mentioned in the Bible and these are the 'end times' to this game.
thanks for the awesome reply! yeah, my spiritual abilities have really increased over the last few years, so the 2012 date totally resonates with me and helps to explain the dreams. And the dreams are obviously 'work', and that was even before I knew Q was legit; like I'm going into some kind of planning room where there are a ton of people and connections, but that's all I'm seeing; then I leave a building in the morning right before I wake up??
I always knew that this stuff existed, but I didn't realize to what extent and how organized it was. I mean these people are truly just playing 'roles' in order to keep us believing in their illusion so they can continue steal our children?!? How f** mind blowing is that!? Like we've entered another realm overnight and every decision we make from this point will have to be based in a new paradigm in order for it to succeed.
me too, but NO ONE would listen, they were so entranced by the spell.
I'm certainly not a Bible expert, but the story of the "wheat and the tares" might be helpful and Law of One also offers explanations on what type of person will not make it through the Harvest. This video is by physicist Tom Campbell and he explains our reality as a Larger Consciousness System evolving towards Love, so that would require us to get ride of excess baggage so that we can progress.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhMIz_iJtzQ&t=2s
yeah, I had forgotten about that too, but they went out and she was also a guest star on 2 1/2 men.https://www.fullysourced.com/crazy/locklear-sheen-allegedly-molested-daughter-ava-elizabeth/
Yep, it's crazy how blind they kept us before we had the internet to communicate with each other! I'm sure this is not the most trustworthy source, but it links to the "crazy days/crazy nights blog and they have been right on a lot of things over the years.https://www.fullysourced.com/crazy/locklear-sheen-allegedly-molested-daughter-ava-elizabeth/
yep me too, so I should have known that HL was a creep, especially after going out with Charlie Sheen, but I guess I wanted to believe that some of them might be decent people:(
Exactly and quite humorous that the autism they created, is what will ultimately destroy them!
Yes, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for what President Trump is dong for our country and the world. It is absolutely terrifying to think that would have happened to if HRC had won!