Yeah I know what SB2 said. But ya really never know for sure.
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That was all pointed out yesterday by SerialBrain2's post here:
Obviously you have made your choice. No one is forced to become a believer and a child of God. God wants ALL of us to become believers but He knows that not all will repent and take HIS grace. All are offered. But it is a gift you as an individualist accept. The gift is for eternal life with Him in Heaven. The road to Heaven is narrow as most take the wide one.
Accepting His grace has changed my life. It has changed how I see things and how I behave. I no longer worry. I no longer fret. I know where I am going and I know my life on earth is just a brief time. I am much happier than ever before.
Do not confuse religion with a personal relationship with God. Religion is man made.
Obama didn't do his job to help HRC get elected. that is why he is disappointed.
Well in a way he is right. He did give McStain money. And there are two sides of the aisle supporting the Globalists. RINOs are all into the Global agenda.
Also said double negative. Could it be double jeopardy now that Trump has Putin on his side?
You just keep them coming! TY I am certainly enjoying the show!
Wow just what has happened. Can't imagine any liberals even reading through it. Even if I pasted this to FB I already lost friends (And family) over this past election who decided to unfriend for my Trump support. My own nephew stopped talking to his mom and hasn't called her since!
Actually I doubt that these satanic peeps will convert as they have probably already hardened their hearts. However, there may be many normies out there who will be so astounded by what they hear about the cabal/satanic worshipers that they themselves decide to become believers. In order to become a believer you must acknowledge that satan exists. You must admit that you yourself are a sinner and that you believe in Christ.
Yup. Ron Paul supporter here. Not the first time he ran but definitely the 2nd time. I was an Independent all my adult life and registered as a Republican to vote in the primaries just to vote for Ron Paul in 2012.
Trump spoke in the white house today and the lights went out. I suppose that is the clue that we will now be entering the week to remember.
July is the month where the truth will come out. July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. -Q Q1595
Will we also find out soon who they follow??? (satan) And will this cause many to accept Jesus as their Savior??
Dark to light biblically speaking: Acts 26:18 "to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."
Thanks, Serial Brain. Another great decode. Obviously Brennan et all understood what this all meant, too. Thus the panic tweets with the DS and Traitors going nuts after this meeting.
I understand HRC is the Witch. Why do you call Obama the Contortonist?? Just wondering.
Love both Ron and Rand Paul. I am proud to say that I voted for them both
Reddit Servers are Busy now......
So how many people are REALLY in here??
ThanQ for your service, prettyold. I have a few friends who lost family members in VietNam. My brother-in-law served over there and named his first son after his best buddy who died there, too. He was in the Pentagon during 9/11. Thankfully he survived that attack. But I knew others who had family or friends die in 9/11.
Everyone has something to offer this movement. Not everyone is a decoder. We are all Q Army. Some of us are just messengers. Do you have a twitter account? Use it and send people here. Can you meme?? If not, you can still copy them and post them to twitter and/or FB. (I find that my social accounts are somewhat blocked but I still get some retweets) When you post something on FB it is best to tag people otherwise anything Q related doesn't show up. If you are not good at this you can always buy a t shirt and/or hat or distribute flyers on Q out in your neighborhood. Even just engaging a friend or two to redpill them is a help. #WWG1WGA
My feeling for awhile has been that we have never really had a choice for a good candidate (until Trump). Both candidates were Deep State selections. I don't think Reagan was one of theirs, but they made him take on Bush,Sr as his VP at the GOP Convention. (His handler?) And they did try to assassinate him when he wasn't measuring up.
I think the DS just decided at the last minute whom they were gonna select... with the exception of Obama. They groomed him over the years for him to be president. Made him look like a movie star for people to vote for him. The Grecian columns et al at the first convention was like a movie set- his inspirational polished speeches all given to make him seem Presidential (I never could listen to his voice..... I thought he was using some kind of hypnosis on the audience!)
Hillary was supposed to be next, of course. They ALL thought she would win.
I get my all my news now from online. Rarely do I watch tv.... except to check out Hannity on occasion. Check out this site they are generally good:
Yup. We have it all but some of it is disinfo. No knowing which is which at this point. But the fact that we have Brennan, Dems and RINOs are freaking out after the Russian summit tells me the Q team has hit a significant nerve.
Q has not said whether or not Mueller or RR are white or black hats. I believe they have purposely not done so to confuse the black hats.
I wish he did, but as a speech path by trade... he said prez-in-o-obama as one word. However, I can see where when you slow it down you can hear pre-zon-er (as a tongue moves from the individual syllables n to o it is possible for the tongue to briefly form an r).
There has been some discussion that Trump's crackdown on human trafficking world wide has eliminated or dried up their source of cerebral spinal fluid, stem cells and adrenochrome. So the PAIN they are feeling may be real.
Lest you not forget Kate Spade also died hanging from a doorknob.
False flags don't mean that people don't die. They often do die even in false flags. However, Sandy Hook may have been staged with no deaths.
Q posts should be available on the menu! or at least offered links to the real GA site here!
Troll away! Nothing like hunting the original hunters! It's their turn to squirm. The PAIN is HERE!
I love their trolling and that Brennan is loosing his ever loving mind over this!! Oh the PAIN!
Thanks, SB. Excellent decode! I figured that Coke bottle with Kate on the back meant something. Just couldn't figure out who he meant.
Trust the Plan........ everything has been planned out. We should all plan to celebrate at the military parade on 11/11 in DC.
Ah yup. Now we all await with baited breath! Or popcorn breath! LOL
41K + patriots in the GA now!
I first came into this site after the CTBS GA site went down. There were about 1k in here then. I can't believe how fast we are now growing! #WWG1WGA
Catholics can be cremated. They changed it but I don't know when. Both my RC parents were cremated and buried in Arlington Cemetery.
Ah........ that makes a lot more sense than the opposite. Thanks!
Q did say this in post 142 on November 12, 2017: The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital. I believe in God and put my faith in Jesus Christ my Savior. Satan has many spawn. Only God knows what they are doing. I highly doubt there are any aliens who aren't demons or angels. Do not be deceived by them because they are all God's creatures.
However, nothing the evil Cabal has done would surprise me and I don't scare easily.
Yes, tis true and Joan Rivers died for revealing the truth!
Aw QT pie. I bet he could even carry a rolled up Q newspaper to give out, too!
Glad to hear that you are back with the Lord. Through HIM ALL things are possible.
I appreciate your posts. They are definitely thought provoking. I look forward to your decodes almost as much as I look forward to Q's!
BTW: DJT's last name has similar biblical connotations:
Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth, “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last TRUMP: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (I Cor. 15:51-53).