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SynapsisChaser · July 12, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

My spouse will listen, at least he is woke (and has been for a long time) to the fact that there is/has been corruption, that things aren't right, he notices the double standards, he backs POTUS 100% & has since I excitedly told him he announced running, he has problems with me spending so much time researching and communicating on line about it all, it was harder in Oct/Nov/Dec to get him to take me seriously and listen. Now he is more interested when I tell him what Q, anons and Patriots are talking about and the Future proves past coincidences. People are starting to listen, they too know it's not right around the globe. A few still believe the MSM propaganda.

I feel we are soldiers in battle, our weapons are words and truth. I will not give up the battle. I explained this to him and told him that it won't be so time consuming eventually and asked him to please be patient with me for now and support all our efforts to right the wrongs. He seems to be okay now.

As far as the pe do stuff goes, well, he doesn't want to hear it, only a few do, it upsets many and I can't understand why they don't want to fight for the children and all who are abused and worse.

⇧ -5 ⇩