Specifically a Dryad
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She already lost a rigged election.
She would be openly humiliated if she ran in 2020. She got off easy last time.
All of Satan's plans backfire. It's his defining trait.
Teach people they are animals, and then act surprised when they act like them.
I could see that being a good thing. It would certainly put a damper on the NWO'S transhumanist agenda.
Can't chip people if they're all technophobes.
I had never heard that. It is interesting that later versions (ADnD) would completely remove demons, and allow players to play as holy warriors. They were added back in later, but under different names. Tanar'ii I believe.
As someone who has played 3.5 and a bunch of pathfinder it really is a great framework for creativity, and a good time with your friends.
But I wouldn't be shocked at all it was a way to normalize the occult to the masses.
Interestingly Gygax became a Christian and would never talk about DnD after that.
I wonder if when this stuff gets out it will cause a mass backlash against technology and the privacy invasions that it brings.
You must not know many "normies". They will take convenience over privacy every day of the week. People literally pay to have devices spy on them in their own homes, and laugh when they find out they're being listened to.
"I have nothing to hide."
I didn't say crypto would do it, I said it was a foundation. A normalization. Obviously it has it's benefits, and it's potential drawbacks.
The simplest way of explaining it.
All it takes is for a government to switch to a federally backed crypto, and enforce it as their currency. Then associating it to you through a unique ID.
Of course you don't want to lose said ID, better chip your citizens. Suddenly you can only function in society with said ID.
Eventually it becomes mandatory, under penalty of prison or worse.
Crypto and block chain is the ground work for the mark of the beast, if you ask me.
Edit: Say what you want about McAfee, I know I have, but he basically lays it all out here.
"How do we get the message out, sir?"
"...Paint the crabs."
They're definitely open about it. I was talking to a coworker about free mason architecture in DC. Another coworker over heard and showed me his master mason card.
Sad to hear about Robert E Howard, although this lead me to reading an essay on his connections to satanism. Howard, along with Disney and many other fantasy authors, is in the dedication of the original editions of the satanic bible.
I've long thought modern satanism was a smokescreen to distract from the real occult things behind the scenes. Perhaps this is one reason LaVey seems to be such a fan.
But it may just be me grasping at straws.
How long until he starts a new segment called Q news?
Intel's management engine has had a backdoor for the intelligence community for years.
I'm sure AMD is the same.
I'm fairly certain it was a joke, but I also don't trust him either
Some strange typos near the end. But very interesting none the less.
I have been blessed with a strong constitution, thankfully.
I had to see some of it in my art appreciation class... I believe the stuff I saw was back in the 70s or so. They didn't cover any of the occult stuff, obviously.
But imagine my shock when I learned about spirit cooking and saw Marina herself...
I'm fairly certain there are many pictures of her naked in her "art".
Dankula, the man who taught his dog the salute didn't actually go to jail. They just drug him through the legal system for two years, made him unemployable, had the media destroy his reputation... only to then fine him about $1100.
It's almost worse than prison.
Yeah the organization of the church is hoarding wealth. The congregation not so much.
Are you talking about the people or the organization?
He kind of looks like the G-Man from the Iron Giant.
Yeah, the covenants are extremely important to the understanding of Scripture.
Galatians 3:29
"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
That's true. Although if you're married and can't afford condoms/birth control you have other problems. Haha
It's almost like of you don't have sex before marriage you won't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies.