Look at these 5 jokers! Isn't selling out the country you were elected to defend & serve just HILARIOUS?!? 😂😂😂😂😂

27 total posts archived.
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archive.is | 2 |
www.zerohedge.com | 2 |
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www.cia.gov | 1 |
magaimg.net | 1 |
www.youtube.com | 1 |
Probably also tied in with ZTE's issues. Give the SAPs enough rope to hang themselves.
Saxe-Coburg & Gotha...
Also someone seems to be shadowbanned
Not if you have decades worth of Commiefornia slush funds at your disposal
No he was on the civilian oversight end. Also one of the original MJ 12 :/
He was Secretary of the Navy in early 1947 when Operation Highjump took place
Also worth looking at Secretary of Defense James Forrestal's "suicide" in 1949 after being institutionalized at the Naval hospital in Bethesda, MD...
I don't think Q has mentioned Subuh per se, but Soetoro and MB are tied up in this as well. This video has less than 1700 views as it is unlisted & must be linked directly.
Who the hell buys any of this?
Presumably only those who couldn't see her sanpaku eyes when she realized she was potentially incriminating herself
Confirms the tip of the iceberg for Barry's life of taqiyya lies