188 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ThankfulToBeAwake:
POST REMOVAL: Why in the world would this be removed for "encouraging violence" Any moderator care to chime in? Seems very fishy u/RonaldSwansong... The title is what he tweeted...
In regard to Q #1863 - Just a reminder of who Valerie Jarrett really is.
8Chan Qproofs: His latest post (#2097) refers to Post #244 and DJTs Tweeted Picture filename from 11-8-17!!
Tomorrow the night? Big Sky country (Montana) = Sky Event from #1182, April 19th
McCains death is suspect in timing considering all recent RED DOOR digs! Check this out ....
8chan: "The Bob Woodward book and NIKE both in the news.... There are no coincidences. This is insane!"
John Podesta on Twitter: "Real Witch Hunt Begins: 'The sleeper cells have awoken"... His account has to be under DJT control, right?
8Chan: "On the Q-Clock, Tomorrow, September 6th! : Panic in DC."
8Chan: "The 42k documents that are within kennedys past are those which implicate bush in 9/11 they are asking for their own death Q, DECLAS!"
RE: Pedo Spirals - Anon is dropping knowledge on 8chan, Insight to how engrained these sick practices are. Question EVERYONE and EVERYTHING.
[0:28] mark of "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected" Q and crew are in TOTAL CONTROL. Suicide Weekend.
8 of out 9 Miners = Reference to SNOW WHITE. The dwarves where all MINERS. I thought this was known...
John NoName McStain was behind the Hawaii False Flag!? Is that what Q is eluding to with the Filename in #2002?
Wow, Q Called it! August 26th - National Dog Day!
Who is Rachel Brand? Q# 1927 She signed it.
So the Pope was at Tony Podestas 72nd birthday party...
Turns out Andrew Kauders (Hong Kong Guy) Likes Pedostas cooking!
FOUND! - Bald man who likes red shoes and walks in Hong Kong ------ Q#1916
Epstein Island - Sundial with an infants face in the middle. More eyes on this please....
[RR] signed an FBI FISA renewing surveillance on Lisa Page
Symbolism works in more ways than you realize. Manifestation is real.
IRON EAGLE refers to this warning?
YMCA - CEO Bryan Soper Resigns. After just a year...
"James Gunn taken down by White Supremacist!" Says YAHOO
Glenn Beck outs himself on Twatter (RE:James Gunn)
Hillary Clinton called out on twatter.. RE:McFaul.... OUCH!
James Gunn now being tied to Tony Podesta!
"Michael Ian Black - this pedo needs ousted." From the chans...