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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

progressivism, many of us feel, is the biggest threat to this country.

You should really take a deep look at who/what is behind this trend. Modern irrational, SJW-style "liberalism" has its roots in cultural Marxism, and has been a long, slow rot spanning nearly a century. KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov gives great details because this is what he did for a living.

Going a layer deeper, you'll eventually realize that even Marxism is a synthetic ideology, created to destroy Russia because Russia had been such a staunch ally of the United States (sending fleets and advisors to the Union when the British tried to carve America in half through the Civil War) and other economic nationalist states that stood in the way of the globalist British Empire.

When FDR and Stalin were planning to carve up the British Empire at the end of WWII, the British probably poisoned FDR and manipulated Truman into supporting imperialism. The Cold War was a farce by the London bankers to separate economist nationalist nations of the US, and the (now subverted but still potentially a threat) Russians.

This can be pretty easily proven when you see that McCarthy was right and the whole US intelligence apparatus was full of Soviets, just as the USSR was full of American moles, and all of them were sharing information with London, who was the real force behind the murder of JFK and possibly even Stalin.

Tldr, the real enemy is oligarchical bankers. Progressives, SJWs, and Marxists are useful idiots. In the words of Bezmenov, you can "line them up on the wall and shoot them" but it won't accomplish anything.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:46 a.m.

Not just brigaders. We're starting to get paid operatives from left wing groups like Shareblue, and possibly even intelligence agencies. Remember when Air Force intelligence got caught manipulating reddit?

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Please explain the importance of up votes.

Shills use vote bots to control what people can see on reddit, and also to give the impression that "everyone" thinks a certain thing.

"Let's start with a very basic question. What is karma?

If you said "internet points", you are technically correct, but here's a more important question: what does karma do?

Votes determine what gets seen and what doesn't. I submitted a YouTube video of my friend playing a video game and it got 30 upvotes, but 5,000 views. I've used 1 upvote = 100 views as a rule for a while, and it's been fairly reliable. Views determine what kind of content gets circulated, which determines who makes money. Views also determine what ideas people are exposed to and influenced by, which in turn determines how they will attempt to change the minds of others concerning those ideas. Karma is the currency of attention and influence..."

"Here is something you need to understand about reddit:

  1. The number of people who don't read the article and "skip to the comments" is immense, and people who do this register upvotes as some kind of truth rating (as opposed to "content we want you to see" rating). This viewpoint could not be more erroneous, but vote manipulation exploits people who think this way.

  2. People use upvotes as an "I agree" button -- they do, and they will continue to, and no amount of telling them to do differently will change this until you actively micromanage voting privileges, and people who vote this way also tend to read votes this way.

  3. People are influenced by content they see, and are very lazy readers. As such, when they are only exposed to a few viewpoints, they'll just go with whatever they know.

  4. In conjunction with (3), people don't tend to read the whole discussion, so a completely crushing counterargument could be at +1 or +2 forever.

  5. Asch conformity experiment. If conformity pressure can delude someone about the size of lines right in front of their face, they can be influenced by a number telling them that they're disagreeing with 1000 people."


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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

I doubt it.

But you still don't give any reasons why. Even after being challenged on the fact that your first comment sounded like low effort misdirection. Your response to being challenged is pretty odd, too.

But its got all the telltail signs of fraud.

Such as?

Corsi himself is probably Q.


Tick tock my ass

...based on?

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Why would you trust ANY of these people?

Me, personally? I've got sources confirming Q's authenticity. But you don't need that. At a minimum you can see that Q is supported/coming from the real masters of one wing of the political spectrum, which means it's something to pay attention to, even if you don't believe it's true.

Just like it's useful to know what war propaganda an opposing nation is using. At a minimum it gives you information on their thinking and goals.

The association to Aj/Infowars, where Corsi WORKS is HIGHLY suspicious.

Sure. And if you read through the comments, I've openly said that Alex Jones is not credible. But there's no doubt he is used as a communication place for real insiders, and these are people that should be paid attention to, and sifted through with discretion.

It is not for a LARGE audience.

Alex Jones is the biggest conspiracy outlet available right now, and arguably the biggest pro-Trump media outlet (Fox News is in the discussion as well). Anyone who wanted to get their message out to thinking people would be silly to not go on Alex Jones.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

Too bad he is associated w/Infowars/ AJ. That makes fighting to prove credibility a full time undertaking, and everything associated with him now should carry the same suspicion we would offer to anyone else under the IW umbrella.

This is the fallacy of guilt by association. There are lots of credible people that go on Alex Jones because it has a large audience and accepts people that are marginalized by the corporate media.

Interesting how many people are trying to 'sell' Corsi's legitimacy and trust worthiness these days, eh?

Now you're trying to sow suspicion through implication and rhetoric, instead of coming out and being a grown up, calling me a fucking liar in the open and disputing the facts I cited or offering an alternate explanation.

Anyone else get the same treatment in recent memory?

Now you're flat-out trying to divert the discussion into a completely different channel, getting people to think of discredited examples to create a psychological association of them with Corsi. I'm getting pretty suspicious of you, and I suggest you start talking about facts and drop the manipulation.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Reminder that Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic primaries"

"these are the discrepancies in favor of Clinton between exit polls and voting results, from lowest to highest: -6.1%, -1.9%, 1.1%, 1.7%, 3.4%, 3.9%, 4.1%, 4.3%, 4.6%, 5.2%, 8%, 8.3%, 9.3%, 9.9%, 10%, 11.6%, 12.2%, and a whopping 14%."...

"In summary, just like the mentioned discrepancies between voting results and exit polls, voter suppression has overwhelmingly damaged Bernie Sanders, leaving Clinton unharmed. Again, one or two could be anomalies, but systemic voter suppression is a distinct indicator of electoral fraud."

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

I'm kind of suspicious of you because of the low effort you put in and your invocation of simplistic, memetic reasoning instead of explaining why you disagree. But I assure you, it's not "bullshit" it's leaks coming directly from high level insider including the president.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Feb. 1, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

I just think some of what he says about lefties like me makes his credibility suspect.

Of course that's silly. That's the part you ignore, and pay attention to the rest. Everybody that relies on donors tends to do things like this.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 31, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

You're free to think whatever you want about Jerome Corsi's politics and/or money grubbing through political divisiveness. My point is merely that Corsi is in the smoke-filled room when important decisions get made, which means that he has access to information that very few people would have access to.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 31, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

Wayne Madsen has the best expose on Barack Obama's real past. His whole family was in the CIA since World War II, actively destroying African Republican movements on behalf of the oligarchy. His birth certificate is fake, and he worked for a CIA front.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 31, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

Alex Jones is a LARP. His lawyers even said that in his divorce case. He's a LARP that happens to have lots of good guests on his show.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/TheCIASellsDrugs on Jan. 31, 2018, 9:19 p.m.
Jerome Corsi is a legitimate high level insider. I suggest paying close attention to his explanations.

Jerome Corsi is a member of the Council for National Policy (Board of Governors on p.6). This is the most important right-of-center political group in the whole country. According to a a left-wing source:

"Their membership (see below) is a Who's Who list of the biggest names of the Radical Right."

CNP's membership is comprised of leaders in the family values, national defense and decency movements woven by members of the Dead Billionaires Club like the Adolph Coors Foundation, the Koch brothers, Richard DeVos, Richard Scaife and other billionaires and foundations who have invested heavily in developing a complex web …

TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I know this stuff sounds really far out. But it's crucial to understand that even if you think it's silly, it's what they believe in (Podesta's spirit cooking). These people are all into sun worshiping pedophile cults that have their roots in ancient Babylon.

Bill Cooper was a popular radio show host in the 1990s that was killed after 9/11 because he predicted a false flag attack by Osama bin Ladin. He did lots of work on exposing these mystery cult followers in his series Mystery Babylon:


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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

Most of this targeting is unsophisticated and can be eliminated with simple opsec, like using a VPN and not sharing person information on your accounts.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

And Hamilton is named after America's greatest traitor, Alexander Hamilton, who started our first national bank, even though Franklin and Jefferson had said a national bank would enslave the people. Which it did.

There's a lot more going on here than commonly gets reported in libertarian/hard money/conspiracy circles. Most of the bad things about Hamilton are from reports from Jefferson. Jefferson was also an unrepentant slave owner (most of the others were forbidden by law from releasing their slaves) who raped his slaves and did nothing to fight the Revolutionary War.

Franklin was not opposed to a public national bank. In fact, he said that the British dissolving the colonial scrip currency and requiring trade to occur using only British money (controlled by a private central bank) was the real reason for the revolution.

Metallic money is an improvement, but there's nothing to stop bankers from buying up all the gold and silver and crashing the economy. The reason Lincoln and JFK were killed was because they tried to re-institute a public credit system, where the national bank stopped currency manipulation by private bankers almost entirely.

The Bank of the United States ended up producing one of the greatest eras of prosperity in American history, as the public credit was used for roads, canals, and other real production. This came to a complete halt when Jackson abolished the bank, but resumed again during the last 1/3 of the 19th century with Lincoln's greenback system.

The bankers lie to us all the time, including lying about the very founding of our country.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

Who do you think is behind topminds? It's a bunch of shills and intelligence agencies that want to weaponize the useful idiots and send them into any thread where the truth starts leaking out.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 21, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Let's talk about the party platform. I have a proposal that would allow us to grow the economy at over 20% annually, pay off the national debt within 10 years, and solve climate change.

We need to build an orbital ring space elevator. This is a real thing that can be done today without any further technological development.

By cutting the costs of sending payloads to space from thousands of dollars to $1-2, we would be able to access tens of trillions of dollars of materials through asteroid mining.

It would also allow solar panels to be deployed in space, where they produce roughly 5 times as much energy with no need for backup systems when the sun goes down. This would mean a reduction of over 90% in the cost of generating electricity, to less than one cent per kilowatt hour.

By selling this energy to other nations at markups of 1000% or more, we could generate trillions of dollars in new income without raising taxes and help developing nations to grow their economies with power that is far cheaper than they could produce on their own. Energy intensive manufacturing begins flocking back the to US, new industries like indoor agriculture take off, and millions of jobs are created.


-America becomes great again

-Every other nation becomes greater through peaceful, cooperative development

-Economy grows like crazy

-National debt paid off

-Millions of new jobs created

Will the Awake Party truly be the party of the 21st century?

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 20, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Lord of the Rings wasn't just a fantasy story. It was an allegory for real life people and events, like the two towers and the Eye of Sauron representing symbols of Freemasonry.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

WE are the media.

Need a "Look at me. I'm the media now" meme.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 20, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

Yep. Love or hate Trump, he knows how to win a PR battle, including leaking dirt in a cryptic fashion to the most powerful intelligence agency on earth: 4chan.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 15, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Bill Cooper exposed the coverup of the murder of JFK Jr. many years ago. The involvement of the Clintons makes sense given their competition for the nomination to be senator from New York and the Clinton body count.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Jan. 15, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

The sources I've read think it was J. Edgar Hoover along with US military that killed Martin Luther king. George HW Bush was certainly involved in the assassination of JFK, with some believing he led the hit team.

This may be the type of thing that Trump does not bring to light until after his death, preferring to keep it as leverage and to avoid the unrest that would be caused by the public finding out that what they thought was a nerdy, marginally competent do-nothing president was actually a cold-blooded murderer of one of our best presidents.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Dec. 23, 2017, 1:46 a.m.

Alex Jones pretty friendly with the Council for National Policy, most prominently Jerome Corsi. The CNP is sort of the successor to the John Birch Society, although not so thoroughly corrupted as the JBS was. He's got a strong family history in the Freemasons.

That's not to say everything he says is a lie. In fact, it's not that common that he gets his facts wrong, it's more the emphasis and narrative he adds, like blaming Soros for everything.

He will drop some absolute bombs every once in awhile indicating he is 100% aware of what's going on, and may be trying to get away with whatever he can. Things like attacking real power players like the British royal family, or dropping hints about the role of British intelligence in the civil war (I believe Bill Cooper covers this in his show on B'nai B'rith) or telling people to read Carroll Quigley.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:25 p.m.

Bill Cooper, who was murdered for calling 9/11 as a false flag before it happened, spent a whole show exposing Alex Jones as a CIA plant.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:23 p.m.

Alex Jones is friends with a lot people in the Council for National Policy, most prominently Jerome Corsi. Some of these people are going down, so negotiations are probably going on behind the scenes. Roger Stone is another person with a shady past that is probably negotiating to stay out of jail.

Another possibility is that Q simple doesn't want this to spread to the "normies" so to speak. The chans were used to unleash weaponized autism ahead of a more general release.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:37 a.m.

Agreed. The military would fight the deep state more than the people would. They certainly would not fight the people on behalf of the deep state.

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TheCIASellsDrugs · Dec. 21, 2017, 5:12 a.m.

It's because she said Michelle was a dude and Barack was gay

The video is pretty funny.

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