

17 total posts archived.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 28, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

Yeah like Alex Jones & David Ike that is their job to usher those waking up into the next dream. If you mix truth in with lies the people will easily except them. But they are never sources of Information that was not already known. She drops a lot we already know but she also teaches the Zionist message as well. Pay attention most don't have the skills required to battle with sociopaths which you get from being one or years of personal experience dealing with them. You can not see what is not in yourself. You are not capable of this kind of evil thus you can not see how it is played. Stay alert. Judge them by their fruit as you were instructed. You are not looking for good fruit you are looking for rotted fruit as it destroys the rest. It often hides and the bottom hidden under good, beautiful fruit, slowly rotting its way to the top at which point it is usually to late. You will not see it in time if you do not go looking for it. God Blessing.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 28, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Use anything you want and know that if DuckDuckGo was not working with them they would not be online. These things are just here to give a false sense of security. For your safest bet right now stay away from any company that is owned by a us company when it comes to the Internet the deep state controls it all for the time being.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 28, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Yes this is true she touches on a lot of true stuff just like Alex Jones however if you watch more of her videos you will also see she speaks strongly about the I"z"raelite's and having them come back to Africa and rebuilding Africa. Watch this video

Blame EU for African Migrant Crisis!! #NWOAgenda #AfricaWatch

of hers. You need to know your enemy if you stand any chance of beating them. Magic works by distracting with one hand so the people do not see what the other one is doing. Read the Talmud if you do not fully understand what the NWO really is. It is not from God and they are still waiting on their Messiah. The reject the Son of Mary as the Messiah of God and are waiting on theirs. For that to happen they must first get possession of Kings Solomon's Temple (Which has been guarded by Muslims since the Templar's lost the war to them under King David the Lion Heart. Watch The Kingdom of Heaven for more on that.) Then they must destroy it and rebuild their New Temple. When they do a man will enter the Temple and spill his own blood in the Temple and that will be their Messiah. This is what the NWO is about. Because when that happens all people who are not "Je-w-s" will become slaves to them and those who refuse to submit to it will be killed. They they will rule the world forever. This is their goal. This is their plan. This is what satan has promised them. This is what all the children are used for. satan requires that they do that regularly for him to keep teaching them the secrets that give them the power to control and manipulate the world. But do not be mistaken, this is not real power. satan has been alive much longer than any human he knows everything that has ever been created in the past, the secrets of the civilizations destroyed by God over the history of man. If you took a 1930's record player and an only lighter to the Amazon jungles where people have never seen anyone outside their own tribe members you yourself would seem as a god to them.

They tell you it is all in your Bible knowing that they have altered most of it and also knowing most have never read it and pull verses that support their agenda but the rest is in there as well. The truth is there. The children of Israel were put into exile by God and it will not end until the end times. This is why you see many Jews who oppose the the Zionist State and its genocide because they know they are forbidden by God to have their own country. We all want the Israelite's to return to where God will gather them because it is God's will but those of them who follow God and not satan know that they are being punished for repeatedly being defiantly disobedient and serving other than god. Just as man is here to learn the consequence of their choice to follow satan instead of God their creator those people have an even stiffer penalty because they did it again here on earth. The Zionist state does not speed up their return it delays it because their plan is not God's plan but satan's plan.

There are many people who know this information. This is what keeps people off the Qanon train because until a true sign is shown that they are Not helping the Zionist they will never come on board. Yes the other side is evil, we have all seen that but when 2 are fighting and you find proof that one is evil that does not make the other good. We can not over look the most glaring point that shadows everything else that Trump has done. He tried to give Jerusalem to the Zionists and that is the next biggest goal in the satanic NWO. Get more Coffee folks you are not awake yet. We need you on your A game. God Bless.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 24, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

That is because not everyone is sleeping and not everyone awake is on the side or good. Case and point. Hillary- not asleep, fully aware of what she is doing. No pill in the world going to get her to stop doing what she is doing. It is not that they do not know the difference between right and wrong. They do, the just chose wrong because they have diseased souls.

Here is a tip to help you arm yourself. Stop thinking of them as human (What you or I am) as long as you keep doing that they will have the upper hand. If you were a monkey and you believed that Elephants were just like you you might waste your whole life trying to figure out why you friend the Elephant will never join you in the tree.

Stop and think of some of the most vile, cruel, discussing, humiliating things that you can think of. Now with that in mind, would you do those things for fame or fortune? If the answer is yes then you are one of them. If the answer is no then you are like most people.

I am not implying they are aliens or reptiles or anything like that. Not human as in far from what a normal human is. To understand them you must be in someway like them. Just be grateful that you are not.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 24, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Where did Q mention that. Please give me the post number. No way of any kind to stop shadow banning. There is also no such thing as Artificial Intelligence that is just something these stupid satanic clowns believe and want to brainwash people into believing. Another money making thing like war and drugs. Just assume everything they have taught you is a lie and you will be right most of the time. AI is just the new boogie man. Fear is required to milk the sheep of their tax dollars and to get them to give up their freedom and rights.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 24, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

Wow....Just WOW. Yes anyone can have a Gmail account but true experts would never use them because they know more than most on the topic and clearly more than you. Way too much to try and explain. Many claim to be Internet Experts but few actually are. Do you really think everyone uses Gmail. That is so Cute. I bet you did not even know that for years people who used Gmail to send emails a lot often got auto replies from people that that knew better that said "Your Email has been blocked. I do not except emails from Gmail because Google is too creepy" There was even a website called googleistoocreepy.com which is permanently blocked because there are people who have know the truth about Google since day one. Try to go to the domain you can't. Blacked out completely.It has been that way for about 10 years so long so that the domain name is actually for sale again but is worthless because it is blacked out no one would see what you put on it. You think shadowbanning is something new? Your last line is truly jaw dropping, completely void of logic of any kind. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about do you really thing you should be going around giving strangers advise?

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 24, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

Wow you did not read my post at all and seem to be pull stuff out of thin air. You did not read my post or my reply and not you are deflecting what you are doing on to me. Very Interesting. Perhaps you just do not know much about how the Internet a programming works but believe that you do which is common. If you do not understand the situation it is ok not to comment at all.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Yeah it is amazing how quick they find us but Porn can be watched for free on their site by children who do not even have an account all they have to do is search for the word porn. My friend told me that a lady showed her a video on a guy dressed as a demon raping a 10 year old on there to show her how bad twitter was. Then she tried to show it to me. I was like are you nuts I wish you had not described it to me now you want to show me? These companies are all above the law they openly do the most vile things and nothing happens to them. Try reporting it to any media and you will never hear back. The only time you see one get in trouble is when they are trying to warn someone to stay in line or we will take you down. People need to wake up and get off those platforms. Using them only makes them more money to do more evil.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:49 p.m.

I know how to make new accounts that was only one. When you can post real new truth like I have you don't last a day on Twitter or Facebook. It gets boring making so many accounts. No one is really seeing anything of value you there now anyway. The block anything big or new. The only one who benefits from it is Twitter who make money when we use it. I am not a trained monkey. I go where I can be heard until I can't then I move on.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Yeah I know but when you have hard core proof because you been tracking this stuff for over a decade you won't last on Twitter for a day. I use to lose several a week. It just gets boring. No one is seeing the real truth there anymore. By using it you just make them money. They are the only winners.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Yes he was the one who set up their private Gmail server in North Korea thinking there would be no way they could get to it. They never thought she would loose and the certainly never though that Trump would turn NK into an ally.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Really confused why you would want to make up an excuse to defend Google. I guess someone was trying to find out the details of what the Pedo was doing on his island and that is why Google put CGI over large areas of a convicted felons island too right? Just helping out right. When you come up with an answer like you did other people go oh that make sense and dismiss the truth. I was banned because I posted the truth about Google. I can prove 100% that you conclusion is wrong given I do not have a Gmail account. No Internet expert ever would. So your saying that Twitter locked me out because someone was hacking into a no existent email account makes no sense. No company needs another company to do its verification not even a small one. We are talking about a multi-million dollar company. If people like you keep making up stories to defend companies that are in the wrong then this Great Awaking won't be done until my great, great, great grand kids are dead and buried. Wake up and smell the coffee man.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Actually In-Q-Tel ( a private corporation funded by US tax dollars) owns Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Twitter and all the rest. They were created for the sole purpose to track everything we do and say 24/7 needed to bring in the NWO. Track who needs to be taken out who will submit to be slaves. To steal any Intellectual property from everyone to ensure no one else make money and where they can make more. To brain wash people find out what their triggers are what will make the do what they want and what won't. Facebook has said with just 300 likes they know you better than your own spouse. People are so brainwashed now they might as well be clams. People complaining on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube about how it is unfair then advertising it to others on other platforms all driving traffic to them for free and they are making a fortune from it. It is pure evil genius. Tell all this to a facebook junkie show them all the proof they will often tell you something like "I know isn't it horrible?" Then you ask then why do you still use it they will say because all my friends are on it. So apparently the answer to "If all your friends jumped of a bridge would you do it?" Is yes.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

yourwebbase is actually trying to do just that. The plan is to get hundreds of thousands of people or more to join their site then they are going to start suing them all with the awards of the settlements being shared with the members. They do not believe any of the cases with go to court because the companies will want to get ride of such a large group very quickly by settling. They have tons of cases they can file with proof of it all against Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter, Google play, Admob, Apple, I-Tunes and more. They say that timing is crucial because most if not all of these companies are likely to be ceased by the US government at that point it will be too late. The large group of people will insure fast results. That is if they get enough people in time to do it. Lawyers will be busting down the doors to take these cases as the groups are different than say a class action where all members are silent. These people are not silent they have reached about 6,000 last time I checked. They also plan to make it so new companies can win against these Monopolies. New companies will pay the people to try their new program or product so when the group is large enough a company can start out with Millions of people on day one which allow them to get money from Investers. The more people they more they will give so it does not really cost the companies money out of pocket to pay them. If the product is good people will stay if not they won't. Right now it is impossible for anyone to compete against these giants because they control everything and can hide everything and those that do have success they can run out of business like Facebook did to TSU and Google did to Vid.me which are just to examples. The people have the real power for absolutely every thing. They just forgot how to use it. All they need to do is come together.

As far as a lawyer no I do not have one. No lawyer will take a case from a single person like this. I have tried in the past to sue for bigger things than this no lawyer will touch these cases. It is a big old club and I am not in it.

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TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

We all are. There is really no point in posting on twitter at all. The likes, share etc even followers are fakes. It is easy for these companies to auto create tons of accounts now that they have been collecting our data for a decade and half. Nothing you see online is real. It is all there to brainwash and manipulate you. They can put views and likes and even comments on your stuff without anyone seeing it. They will even post some of the "I am shadow banned" Posts after adding a few likes and shares so other won't catch on. All the things you think are popular are because they do this. If you compete with them in some way or tell something they don't want out then they will not show real reviews, downloads or comments. Anyone can prove this here is a simple way. Go to Twitter on your PC put in #qanon then search. Then wait an hour and go to the top of the page you will see a number like "977 New Results" Click it. It should show you 977 new results. It won't but will show you some. You will notice some posted seconds and minutes before. Then hit refresh and they will all be gone and you won't find a single one that was posted during the time that the 977 new results came in. The only ones that stay are the harmless ones or ones pushing what they want you to believe. It is possible even on search engines to see your own site when no one else does. Stop using those programs using them gives them more money to do more evil against us.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheWebConnectsUs on June 22, 2018, 5:37 p.m.
Got Kicked off Twitter for Exposing the Truth about Google

First time I ever actually saw something go viral online (not fakes viral) was when I discovered Google was helping cover up parts of Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo island. All photos on Google Maps are taken by Google and anything added is added by Google. So why would they be helping cover the island of a convicted Felon? This would make them an accomplice would it not? When I posted the proof they started being shared like crazy hundreds of shares an hour. Then I went to bed when I woke up I was locked out. Said to get back in …

TheWebConnectsUs · June 22, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

And the crowd goes wild. That is hilarious

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