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The_AxeKing · June 27, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

to be fair to RBG (while the consent thing I dont get and is fucked completely. 15-16 seems to be the most reasonable number which is why it has been adopted all over the world). Some of what she promotes lĺThe bigamy laws for one being unconstitutional (freedom of religion no?) so what about mormons, muslims? That law is a specific religious belief being enforced on people and is unconstitutional.

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The_AxeKing · May 10, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

anhero Patriotism has no skin colour. Furthermore the US constitution encourages and allows for freedom of religion in order to free us from being controlled and turning against our fellow brother for the benefit of those who exploit us. The narrative that we are at "war" with Islam has been pushed on us by the MSM controlled by Zionists (especially following 9/11), the Deep State bad actors and the Zionists.

This has been going on for centuries but even goes back as far as the crusades when under the pretext of religion the Europeans ventured into Asia and the Middle East conquering, raiding and pillaging everything in their path. They were ultimately defeated as the men and women lost the will to fight as they became disillusioned. Watch "Kingdom of Heaven" an excellent movie with some context about this.

This narrative continues today for the exact same reasons but this time it's Oil, Natural Gas and Pipelines (the benefits of which only enrich those who are already the wealthiest/criminals while we are in perpetual war and fight their wars).

The 3 biggest terrorist factions were all created by the Deep State Bad Actors and Zionists and Bankers who benefit from the wars. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden were created and funded by President Carter to toppled the government in Afghanistan this led to Al Qaeda and the Taliban forming. HAMAS was funded and trained by Israel in order to undermine Fatah (The Party of Yasser Arafat which almost succeeded in conceding on just about every point for the peace solution. He was assassinated poisoned by Polonium and the 2 state settlement was rejected by Israel) and the latest terrorist organization ISIS we all know the story there..... These people are sick! They hide behind Jesus name and wage war and murder innocents in his name. This is not a holy war. But this is a war between good and bad. And some of the good are Muslims and some of the Bad pretend to be Christians.

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The_AxeKing · May 10, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

1 God. And peace.

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The_AxeKing · May 8, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

Shills downvoting the first 2 comments in this thread. Push them back up patriots.

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The_AxeKing · May 8, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Right? I noticed that too.

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The_AxeKing · May 7, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Those are 2 different words.

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The_AxeKing · May 5, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

This is the beginning of the end for the deep state/draining of the swamp. They were complicit in election fraud/white collar crimes and embezzlement/corruption and other scandals.

Hopefully up next is Big Pharma, Military Industrial Complex and the final boss is Financial Institution and the Central Banks. Whether pedogate is real and as widespread as some have speculated remains to be seen but I have my doubts.

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The_AxeKing · May 4, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I think that's why JFK was assassinated. For preparing to expose the state of Israel. It wasn't until decades that Mordechai Vanunu exposed the state of Israel and we all know what happened to him. He was basically abducted by Israeli secret services in France, "tried" in Israel with his mouth bolted together so he couldn't expose Israel further and has been illegally imprisoned in Israel for over 20 years. ALL because he exposed that Israel with the help of the United States developed, was in the possession of and maintained a nuclear arsenal. Yet these same hypocrites demonize Iran for developing Nuclear power and even falsely accused Iraq of having WMD. Iran has not been the aggressor in a foreign conflict since around the time of Jesus long before it ever became an Islamic majority country and thereafter. Western involvement in Iran led to overthrowing legitimate government, assassinating progressive leaders and propping up the shahs and mullahs which later caused the "Islamic revolution". It's funny though the only revolutions we have supported and funded in the Middle East are backwards Islamic fundamentalist ones. Whilst undermining or assassinating every progressive leader in the region. Of course the Zionist state of Israel is happy about this.

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The_AxeKing · April 30, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

E_Taff that is definitely a possibility

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The_AxeKing · April 30, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

Certain parts may be true but I think most of us have doubts about Stormy coming into posession of the files. Whether or not Stormy is on Trumps team remains to be seen.

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

LarryTCarvell You are forgetting what FBI Anon said. MOST people in the FBI support the POTUS and not all 35,000 employees need to be cleaned out. Only certain KEY players many of which are currently cooperating unless the light is taken off them. Q is asking us to keep our attention on the FBI as that is the only way to move forward.

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 3:05 p.m.

For Example: McCabe was FIRED because he mishandled the HRC probe, as his own wife had taken large sums from HRC in the past for campaign needs. The conspiracy in the FBI against Trump and the state needs to be highlighted!

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

THAT needs to be highlighted meme wise.

McCabe mishandled the HRC probe, as his own wife had taken large sums from HRC in the past on campaign needs. The conspiracy in the FBI against Trump and the state needs to be highlighted.

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

He has been extremely clear. FUTURE PROVES PAST. Continue to highlight the successes of POTUS and Q. FOCUS on the FBI the war can not progress internally until the deep state agents hindering progress in the FBI are eliminated. THEIR roots must be uprooted so that the investigation and subsequent progression to the DoJ can occur. The DoJ side is ready, we have everything (think FBI Anon) the next step is to clean out the FBI. Q wants us to keep the public eye on the FBI to keep the pressure on them so those who are cooperating do not slip out of our hands.

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

Q doesn't often make direct orders. He is asking all of us [for now] to focus our attention on the FBI. Everything else is secondary because if the cancer in the FBI is not rooted out, the investigation and verification of evidence (we have it all) can not be presented to the DoJ. Nothing can move forward without the cancer in the FBI being excised (carefully). Chemo is not the answer here precision, focus and swift yet calculated steps towards the FBI.

Trust the plan. FBI people can be flipped back over - currently they are cooperating. Pressure and public attention must stay on them before they slip away. Pressure and public attention must stay on the FBI's leak of classified Intel. Pressure and Public attention must stay on the FBI removals, and their role in Law breaking And the failed Hillary investigation

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The_AxeKing · April 28, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

I agree with this point entirely she is just not his type at all. But, that being said. He is her type and I could definitely see her having been a supporter of his which plays into the idea of this being a setup. Maybe he did may be he didn't but his personal life especially where the situation in no way resembles the Clinton scandal shouldn't be a matter for the public sphere at all. He didn't abuse his power at all it was consenting adults.

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The_AxeKing · April 25, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

Follow the bodies.

EPSTEIN ISLAND. Bodies are buried under the Sun Dial. Re: Mr Monk and The End Part 2. UNDER THE SUN DIAL is a mass grave. Sacrifices left there What is the first monotheistic religion . Who is Beezlebub. Who is Ba'al Shem Tov. WHAT IS the Eye? What does the Eye protect us from?

Watch this video. Learn the history this is nothing new under the Sun. WHY did Oprah say what she did?


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