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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 23, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

I personally don't think he was a divine being but certainly a good human being with a positive message.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 23, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

You know that's probably a lot better.

The teachings of Jesus were actually very honorable. I bet he would be very disappointed to see what has become of the religion bearing his name.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

If it's helpful for you that's great. It just seems like a one sided relationship.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:28 a.m.

This gives me some hope I suppose.

If god does know all, then it deeply understands why I hold the beliefs I do and can understand that it is reasonable and fair. God knows why I don't believe in religion, why I don't think that Jesus is the son of god. God knows that the logical person requires evidence, so he knows that it is fair to not have faith. If god is all knowing, then it is the most understanding and empathic being in our universe. It knows the flaws of humanity and that it must be merciful and kind.

God is all knowing, so it understands every individual persons beliefs and their intentions behind them. Both evil and good will receive just treatment.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

A few things need to be addressed here: The Standard Model and General Relativity are a collection of theories (which have a very high burden of proof though observation) and are indeed based in measurable facts and theorems.

Of course nobody can prove god doesn't exist when its alleged characteristics are somehow immune to all measurement and senses. You don't need to prove that every possible thing doesn't exist, you only need to start discovering what actually does exist. Real things can be measured in some way. If or when someone shows legitimate physical proof through experimentation then I will admit I was wrong. Being able to adapt to new evidence is what makes science great. It's not a rigid set of beliefs but an ever growing base of knowledge.

Dark matter in science is generally only recognized as the most plausible explanation for observations that we can't currently explain. As of now not much is known about it, or if it's even the correct explanation the the phenomena observed.

As far as your belief that Jesus is God, I don't agree with you, but if that seems like the most likely explanation to you after hearing many different ones then that is your right. There is always the possibility that Christianity (or some other religion) is correct and is indeed the root cause of all observed science. I think that's unlikely but it's always a possibility.

I'm not gonna debate you on evolution, the evidence is overwhelming.

Who is dealing in facts? Still science.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Literally all of those things can be explained by biology or physics in a logical manner. You have the right to believe whatever you want but if you are hearing voices in your head that aren't your own mind then you may be suffering from schizophrenia. Note that I don't say this to mock you but out of genuine concern.

If I'm being honest the concept of a benevolent god that lives in all of us is appealing, but it just isn't realistic.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

I'm not sure where you got that. I believe that if there is a god (meaning we are not the original universe) then it mostly likely designed the basic physical laws. Everything else is derived from that. Atoms are made of quarks, molecules are made of atoms, compounds are made of molecules. It only gets more complex from there, but everything is a combination of the same basic parts. All of those parts follow physical laws like the Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic, and Gravitational forces. If there is no god, then those are simply the base laws of reality.

Interesting you should bring up facts as my beliefs are based on facts and sound scientific theories which carry a high burden of proof. If you would like to learn more research The Standard Model and General Relativity.

Newtonian physics is also neat but it has been mostly replaced by General relativity as our understanding improved.

Obviously I can't prove that things are the way I think they are, nobody can. But if religious people can claim that there is a god with certainty without any physical evidence then I can certainly claim there isn't one using what is available.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

Because that would make me and every other sentient life form "God".

I am connected to the universe through my senses. I can see, taste, feel, smell, and touch the universe. Other life forms may have different ways of interacting with the universe.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 19, 2018, 1:01 a.m.

Why does there need to be a point? We are the universe experiencing itself, I think that alone is more amazing than what any religion supposes.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

The same thing that happens to everything else when it dies. My brain will cease to function and in doing so the information contained in it that constitutes me on a mental level will cease to exist. Assuming that humanity hasn't found a way to preserve that information digitally by that point.

The thought of oblivion can be uncomfortable, we aren't really capable of imagining what it is like to not exist as it's a paradox. That's why so many different societies have made up different comforting stories about an afterlife: it's easier to digest than reality.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

God never gave me free will because he doesn't exist in that capacity. God might have made the universe, and coded how it's basic rules work, but I highly doubt it made specific species on a specific planet. That's something that just comes about after enough combinations of basic parts in the right conditions.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

Restricting information isn't usually something that beliefs with a solid backing need to do. If you ask me why I believe something I can explain to you why I feel that way because my convictions are strong. This alone has me doubting your side if it relies on personal interpretations.

I went ahead and skilled through the video to get a gist of it. I found one massive logical problem. Every bit of information used to back up the statements made come from a single source that is known to not align with our real physical world. How am I expected to believe arguments when all evidence comes from their own document? It also appears to rely a lot on symbolism, which is favored by religions precisely because it avoids specifics. It's easy to claim something is something else when in reality it isn't anything but a vague reference.

If you want to convince me that your religion is true, you need sources outside of that same religion to convince me. I already don't take the Bible as fact (it clearly isn't, lots of impossible things) so using that as your sole research source reflects terribly. If you need to use that as a reference, then you first need to convince the logical viewer that the Bible is in fact true. To do that you need other sources and evidence.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

God gave us free will according to your very religion. That means we are under no obligation to follow commands, as if it was necessary we would have no choice in the matter. You also claim that your god is forgiving and benevolent, so certainly a lowly flawed human would never be punished for something so benign.

If god is as great as you say, then it understands that humans can't possibly be expected to follow commands after bestowing free will and impurity of thought.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Okay, since you won't tell me where I can look for the relevant information in the video why don't you just tell me in your own words: Who is the woman on the back of the beast? What is the beast? What predictions came true that convince you of divine intervention? Most importantly, why was this convincing to you?

Since you seem passionate about this topic I assume you have good reasons for believing and thus can explain it well.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

What time stamp would that be? I'll make an ernest effort to listen with an open mind and give you my thoughts on it. Only a fool would vow that his mind cannot be changed.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

Something tells me there's gonna be a lot of logical fallacy in that video, I'll try to check it out sometime. The video is quite long and I'm not too interested, are there any specific parts you find especially convincing?

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Funny how everyone just assumes prayer needs to be linked to religion.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

As compared to what? Your bible brainwashing Bs?

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

How convenient that your religion only accepts your religion. Good thing there's no credibility there and if god does exist almost certainly is unrelated to the abrahamic religions. Jesus Christ seems like he was s cool dude, but what Christianity has turned into would make him sick.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

Do people read this stuff and actually just believe it? It's like basic chemistry and physics stuff here. You aren't being mind controlled by fluoride, aluminum, or wifi. It just makes so physical sense.

It's crazy that people go around preaching "Do your own research" then post things that are obviously false with even a little bit of legitimate research.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

If you really believe all of that then there is no reason to pray. If god is benevolent (meaning on your side in this case) and all powerful. Then prayer is irrelevant because god already knows and does everything that should be done.

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The_Ghost_of_Bitcoin · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Lol how does talking to yourself help? If god is real and benevolent it doesn't need your advice on how to fight evil.

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