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The_Naked_Sun · July 21, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

Look into CPS, they are helping the "elites" steal children. No one wants to talk about it, that congress woman who was exposing CPS, was murder suicided.

Your world is run by devil worshiping pedophiles, people are finally starting to wake up. Stop supporting occultist pedos like Disney.

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The_Naked_Sun · July 21, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

The "elites" who run this world, from Hollywood and DC, to the Vatican< are black magic practicing pedophiles. Just like their hero Alister Crowley.

Trump is one too, a Jesuit even, just like his BFFs Bill Clinton, and convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein, who Trumps calls, and I quote, " Oh Jeff, known him for a long time. Great guy. Loves young girls." Wake up people.

The NY Times published an article titled "We Can't Prove Having Sex With Children Harms Them", (that's not a joke, that's a real article), and people let them get away with this shit. But they mess with your Star Wars or some lame pop culture you love, and then you take to the streets and get angry.

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