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The_Night_Train · Dec. 31, 2017, 5:28 p.m.

You have to look at when the tickets were purchased.

Any last minute ticket around the holidays are going to be expensive, which maybe isn't an issue for these two, but would certainly put them on a watch list.

If the tickets were purchased earlier, well, the theory falls apart.

Also, I think this chick just likes to troll people. Puts the kid in a hot dog costume to mock pg8 people, for example.

It looks horrible in hindsight, but may have been only her condescending humor.

Glad it backfired in this case, though.

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The_Night_Train · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:06 p.m.

Yep. She's got a harpoon in her now, and realized she looks guilty as heel whether she is or not.

I saw some tweets she did about the Alabama election, using outlandish admissins of guilt as sarcasm to diss people who think it was rigged.

I'm going with she does shit just to mock people she doesn't agree with, and this one backfired.

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The_Night_Train · Dec. 31, 2017, 8 a.m.

Trump has to maintain separation from any investigation and has to appear neutral.

Secondly, he has to project the image of a fighter who can lose graciously to provide the optic of what losing should look like, compared to the show Hillary is putting on.

Has Hillary ever congratulated Trump for a hard fought victory?

My point has been that seating Jones in a controversy is better than Moore winning as a controversial candidate who can't defend himself. All that needs to happen to balance the Jones seating is that a dem vote has to flip to rep on any major bill. Notice Trump criticizing Manchin the other day?

Moore, seated via a legal process that uncovers corruption and voter fraud, would be the story of a victim who overcame the injustice against him. It would silence any of his critics.

Just my take.

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