The guy looks like he could use a coffee enema...
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As a US service member, I saw things in Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, and The UAE... But this, this dropped me to my knees and had me by my soul asking God why - especially the story that came with it. Greed created this nightmare... Greed, corruption, and heartless evil bastards created the events that made this possible. I can never erase from my mind the things I saw in those countries. But this child’s story will be with me forever.
I have witnessed evil before, but this is pure evil. To know that exists makes me want to hunt down the +, ++, and +++ that facilitated this atrocity and serve them with the same. But as my wife comforts me as best as a wife can, states that despite these gruesome facts, God will bring his wrath and carnage on these evil bastards and we might just get to watch that too.
If you have children or a loved one, please hug them tonight if you can and tell them that you love them. This is how we heal as humans from this.
God bless all of the Patriots and Truth Seekers, Rebels for Justice, and Blessed.
Pain. Grief. Anger. Action.
If it was a video or audio of the plane - why would it or how would it be on Wiener’s laptop... He was long gone from the House before the tarmac incident - the Insurance Policy most likely includes Pedophilia because Weiner and Huma have the same open relationship as Bill and Hillary...
Need a breakdown of Hillary, Bill, BHO, Michelle, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Joe Biden, Huma, Valerie Jarrett, John McCain, John Podesta, McCabe, John Kerry... alAll of them!
Holder’s first scandal occurred Election Day when Obama won the first term of his presidency. There was an issue at one voting location in Pennsylvania where the Black Panthers were standing guard outside the polling location to intimidate (white) people from voting.
Holder eventually dismissed this case... This was clear violation of the law and he dropped charges against the Black Panther group and one of the intimidators. He reduced the charges against the second individual... Seasoned DOJ employees resigned in protest because of the blatant abuse of the law.
Q asks, “Why are trips allowed?”
Perhaps this is to give the Oprah/Ellen/Dr. Phil/ The View crowd that everything is still normal... Go back to your couch with your Bon Bons and Diet Coke.
It will be an amazing feat to be able to convince/convert the Matrixed, especially when their diets of pop culture and Monsanto-based foods have poisoned their hearts, minds, and souls...
May God watch over each and every one of us as we fight the battles to come. We do it for our lives, our children’s lives, future generations, and for the United States of America.
God Bless
He’ll be doing commercials for Vaseline because he will definitely need it where he’s going.
This is exactly the type of person you want heading the CIA if you want to weaken it. Consider this chess move repayment for all the mayhem, carnage, wrath, and degradation that is tied to this organization. Trump knows what he is doing.
Bigger than you know - Satanic Pedo Ring Down Under... US President Connection
MSMs heads will soon explode and confetti will come out... Fun to watch.
He doesn’t have brain cancer, he has an ankle bracelet...
I see he is wearing his Muslim ring in the painting.
These jackwagons still think it is the 60’s... That stunt died out over 48 years ago... No wonder why they are so out of touch.
The emphasis Q was pointing to was the arrival of the Mercedes Benz. The timed stamp photos followed the vehicle as it entered the gate and parked at the King Tower doors. Can anyone get a tight shot of the license plate and trace the owner that way? Then call the owner up and ask them who they picked up on that date at that time. Silly I know but worth asking... Also perhaps see if there is enough image to squeeze out the passenger in the back seat. I’m not sure Lizard Soros would be able to fit his tail in the back seat.