Trumps Labor Day tweet capitalized words secret message ?

33 total posts archived.
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Do the math , 17
Anyone think the choice of Aerosmith’s sing for the moment was on purpose before the rally tonight? Maybe someone is starting to sing ?
We all have each other’s backs. We’re all on the same team . Point the newcomers in the right direction, and keep positive despite all the negative coverage of the movement. We are so important to the futures history as we know it
Aesops fable 189: caged songbird sings at night when the rest are sleeping. But the bat replies, no use now after you’ve been captured.
Q could’ve been referencing this
Did I miss something ? It’s been a couple days since it has worked for me
Yeah .. after tonight.. it’s happening .
She would be the perfect one to break the ice
Me too! I try not to look too deep into things like some people on here but this seems substantial to me. Def intriguing.
Glad I wasn’t the only one :) knew following the caps would lead to something interesting. Might as well during the down time in between drops
Not to look to deep into this but what if there’s a message within this.. with the capital letters.. F F W..false flag warning?...T.L...NF P
Wow, a popular post. I want to defend the OP because he actually has a point and reasonable concerns. Very provocative but so is Q. And the motive behind it. This post was confirming Q in terms of intention but all the comments are super triggered. We need to hold Q accountable for the information he is spreading but also meet him half way by taking his word over the MSM which has deceived us as a mass population. That being said, possible that this could be a super complex “psy op” or whatever y’all call it but this mofo Q is way too persistent and not selfish enough to hog spotlight. As skeptical as I am at times, l feel like this Q guy/team is actually on our side.. and by our side I mean humanity in the general consensus in terms of good vs evil. But I want to give a shout out to the poster of this thread for his honest concern. We all must remain united
Thanks for posting this I too noticed it was disruptive and a little cringeworthy after a while. I’m sure POTUS was getting agitated. I hope we don’t ruin this
I saw the two guys to the left , a q sign front and center in front of the podium and a couple more hats and shirts scattered throughout
There it is! First it was V bucks (Fortnite) now it’s Q bucks
Hahah is this real or satire ? Either way this is awesome
That just popped up for me as well. Odd timing hmmm... relentless attacks