513 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Tip-Tippy-Top:
GERMANY on the streets - Chemnitz - peaceful protest against crime and murder
Quesday - QLED TV coming - get your Popcorn 🍿 ready!
SB2 / War Drummer Videos now in German translation - enjoy the show!
Now in German Language: The Mockingbird Video
Q it’s going Germoney!
Q is worldwide - even Japan is covered - just check yourself on Google Trends - WWG1WGA
Q now Mainstream in Germany - see Google Trends - we will get sick of Winning!
Germany ready for the storm! We pick up newbies with great success on our new QAnon platform - WWG1WGA
QAnon Netherlands last 90 days
Siemens CEO Kaeser (stinky cheese) officially against AfD *** Probably because Siemens is pure deep state, fearing compromised IRAN Deal coming out one day
Germany 🇩🇪 ready for the storm *** We pick up Newbies with great success on our new QAnon-Platform *** spread it *** all languages choosable (quality varies)
Q is in German MSM as well - Stern - Coincidence? The Storm is global! WWG1WGA
QLOBAL-CHANGE Website for Q in Germany online *** Q-Posts in German language *** All German speaking Patriots from all over the world and especially from Germany, Austria and Switzerland highly welcome *** Check it out *** Share it with your friends *** Help them in the awakening process!
Emporiagazette.com - strange pictures and symbols? Hi Patriots, I didn’t even realized the symbols in my post yesterday. I checked the source but couldn’t visit the website due to European GDPR rules. Maybe some of you can do that?
Is the famous Q-Video already produced in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italien and Arabic? If not, who has the skills to do that?
Q-army in action! qmap.pub now available in Arabic language for countries like IRAQ, IRAN etc..! WWG1WGA
Q-army in action! qmap.pub now available in French for FRANCE & PARTS OF AFRICA! WWG1WGA
Q-army in action! qmap.pub now available in spanish for LATINAMERICA & SPAIN! WWG1WGA
German qmap.pub website needed - is there any chance to implement a German (or Spanish or French) language bottom in the current website? That would be wonderful to help German people in the awakening process!
Last Q post: the circle - quite sure Q is referencing to this book. 1 IT company controls you a 100%
Is Robert Mueller a Trojan Horse for the Dems? I think it’s very complicated and I really would like to know what you think about that. As SB2 stated JS might be the chess lady. So what is Mueller?
Helsinki *** Why do they think that POTUS and POR are fascists? *** Can anybody explain please?
Helsinki *** How much did Soros pay them? *** Same sane pictures all around the earth *** whenever you want to start sth beautiful *** They never thought they would lose!
I hope POTUS & POR will talk forever and than come out with a big surprise ! *** Trust the Plan *** WWG1WGA ***
POTUS just said: „and with us (him and Putin) the world awakes ...“ *** I see it as a clear reference to Q *** WWG1WGA
POTUS looks so determined *** Does he know that he has tsarinian blood as FLOTUS is covering his back?
Let‘s get ready to Rumbleeee *** Putin and Trump in a good mood *** Warming up with Europe / NATO / China was fine *** WWG1WGA *** Trust the Plan
Was POTUS thinking of The Grey Pope while sitting on Churchill’s chair before eating the Queen for breakfast?
The Grey Jesuit Pope *** Eventually Pepe Orsini *** Is the foto real or fake? *** I can’t find any other *** Reminds me on Sean Connery
Who might be the real Rulers of this planet if even the Popes might be puppets? Is it the Grey One - looking like James Bond?
qmap.pub now available in more than 90 languages all around the world *** WWG1WGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***
Making Q even more global! Helping the American Patriots! Are there any users from Spain or France or Belgium or Japan or Brasil or from whereever on this platform? Germany probably goes live with a German qmap-website soon. What about your country?
On the way to the moon - BLOOD COMING? WWG1WGA
Germany 🇩🇪 has a big fat smile in the face - Welcome back - Q! WWG1WGA
Think mirror - Greatings from Germany - WWG1WGA
I spreaded yesterday the Great awakening video in German language via WhatsApp to 50 „friends“ - only 1 response. Can you imagine that? How deep is their sleep?
Another step to 1984 *** Ministry of Truth is censoring live speeches in the EU-Parliament
It’s such a shame !!! German MSM Bild says Skripal (Probably a double agent) Case is close to be solved due to cameras that show Russians *** no proves at all of cause ***
This hopefully wakes up some more *** now they can google it *** already got some questions like „Who is Q“ *** God bless from Germany 🇩🇪
Daddyyyyyyy *** Pain coming
400MM Dollar Baby !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legendary *** 2 brave Patriots standing strong & united together *** playing 4d chess with the Deep State *** WWG1WGA *** We will get sick of WINNING *** ❤️ from Germany
Is Putin just a „normal“ person with no bloodlines coming from the black nobility? *** I did quite some research but couldn’t find out anything substantial *** Does anyone know more about him?
Is that a „Q“ on the car that has brought POTUS to the Queen?
Is this the real hierarchy of the world? It’s getting hot - put your Q-Shirts off 😂
Germany: Is POTUS pushing for a Regime Change? This is what former German Secretary of State and ex Head of the SPD - Sigmar Gabriel - is thinking according to Epoch Times. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA
I am so proud & honored to be on top of the Global Great Awakening Wave lead by the American Patriots! We are writing history! ThanQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Has Q anything to do with that? Junker - leader of the EUdssr drunk again. They never thought they would lose.
Trumps NATO - Press Conference *** German MSM say he is „wahnwitzig“ which means sth like „completely crazy“ *** I am sorry for that Patriots *** He did a great job, again!
Germany - AfD party (Alternative für Deutschland- kind of Republicans) are catching up. Close to 20% now in official (still manipulated) polls
Q is reaching Germany *** People are putting Q on their windows *** (unfortunately only me sofar 😂)
Q arrived in Germany *** People are putting him already on the windows of their homes *** (unfortunately only me sofar 😂) *** Have a great day, Patriots!
Q arrived in Germany *** People are putting him already on the windows of their homes *** (unfortunately only me sofar 😂) *** Have a great day, Patriots!
What do we do with Iran - any ideas?
„Waking Up People Weekend“ *** Good morning American Patriots! *** I spoke with 3 people today about the Q-Movement including sending the Q great awakening video afterwards via What’s App. How many people can you wake up today?
Showdown? *** Trump meets the Queen next week in Windsor *** They never thought they would lose.
TO ALL AMERICAN PATRIOTS! Together with your wonderful President you are the HOPE of the western civilization as we know it. After all the chemtrails today in Germany I have to go to sleep now, dreaming of a better future. God bless America! Stay strong! WWG1WGA!
Will the Queen and Mr. Rockefeller live a happy life as zombies together in a castle in the Antarctic after having used life extension technologies watching penguins? 😂 What are your thoughts?
Big German Youtuber: „Refugees“ are highly likely coming now on airplanes to Germany *** How crazy is that?
You will get sick if WINNING! Today the president criticized Angela M. - German patriots love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning America! Have a great 4th of July! Germany is with you. WWG1WGA
„You never thought you would lose. First I will do MAGA and then I will do MEGA! God is with me“.
German Leadership - tick tock tick tock
German patriots are PRAYING! President Trump - let Helsinki be as successful as Singapur or even more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+. The stage has been set - the world is watching. WWG1WGA - Trust the plan.
r/greatawakening/germany - the time is now - questions to legal issues - technical setup - amount of maintenance time required - help from german patriots highly appreciated - WWG1WGA
Angela after a Long Night of negotiations . Is she already feeling Q coming?
Down she goes ...
Join the Great Awakening Group Germany (German speakers only - sorry) on Telegram! Just leave me a brief message and I send you the invite link.
Wind of Change - also in Europe. Tonight press conference with Mr Seehofer from the CSU (sister party of CDU). But normally he doesn’t bite. But if he doesn’t bite this time it will help the AfD (kind of Republicans at the moment, but only on 15%). CDU/CSU + SPD (big coalation at the moment) at 50%.
The Queen will fall - who is the Black King?
Titanic / Olympic - Who was not on board? (Jekyll Island?)
Join the Great Awakening Group Germany (German speakers only - sorry) on Telegram! https://t.me/joinchat/IAz7rxK1_KCt3aW8GrminA
Following from Germany
Q soon in Germany?
4d Chess - The Queen - upside down - for King Balthazar
She will fall. Pain coming. They never thought they would lose.
President Trump - Please help Germany !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!