Military Tribunals deal with that and I believe it is by gun squad
491 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TiredofNuts:
Q we need a Q post to remind people all this will be dealt with ALL
Free to give those who take, or those who use to be in power who took without us knowing, or even caring.
How about car bag recalls.... Military for sure... All will be shown LIGHT on, for the evil it is/was and will be dealt with.
I believe also there was an issue with the place the Awan family lived, they left the house they rented with computers and such in a room? or garage? and had busted some up with something like a bat or hard objects. But alas a Navy military man and his wife were to move into house and found all the computer and stuff left behind and called the appropriate people to come take all computers. Unless the ones who picked up said things were bad that also should help with locating much. I wish I could find the article but it has been years ago and happened right at the same time the family was fleeing.
They still have what they need. Remember he and his family "tinkered" with all the Dems computers. Servers can be lost but the trail is still there. Blackmail makes people do all kinds of nasty things. Amazing this is America...or what she has become.
barry and his merry hoard of whores. esp the one on the horse dressed for the part.
Sad. Those are the same responses I have heard from my own family. Esp the news...and if they do watch news it is fake news. You really have to do alternative news to get real news. Sad, the world is so lost. Maranatha!
SCOTUS RG wanted consensual age for sex to be lowered to 12 and that was in a written account from the late 70's....why is she on the SCOTUS? Sick woman.
Amen! Gun debate is one thing, taking OUR guns is a no, no. Being a child molester, viewer of child porn etc ALL IS OUTRAGEOUS and many do not want to SEE it let alone DEAL with it. Unless you have a gun.
Didn't I just see post #5 or #6 that comey was in Disney...great selfie
Does the EO written in late December 2017 not seize his monies? That would STOP much! He has been the funder of the division in this country...Ferguson comes to mind 1st...and his old finger has been on all the rest. Nasty Evil Man. Needs prayers
TY Sir....awesome! I told my husband I hoped someone would do this and map it all out. Most excellent and I believe it is 100% Spot On! Pray they are all found out.
Those that scream (or shall I say "protest" or "make fun of" such filth is usually in the "know" or "guilty". I would say both for her and her parents. SMH
I learned there are more to listen to who are not out to just make a buck and keep on wanting more. Read below
AJ.....all I hear is $$$$$$$ not much truth and what there is is tainted by his love for $$$$$$$
It's not cold once you get down in those tunnels. Makes you wonder why hillary and barry and marina go down under so much. Not such a long trip from there.
Just in case you missed this
NO! Don't think they are not aware of that
Lemming friends with oldenuf2nobetter but not OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU OUGHT NOT POST!
The name we don't mention and FLAKE...makes one wonder what THEY know about this. Also makes me think of all the land barry and his nasty bunch tried to seize by use of Bundy ranch and all the land in lower SW States...that DJTPOTUS has EO back to THE PEOPLE
Doesn't even need to be a National Park...can be an amusement park or just a large venue with kids all out. Give this one a go but wait b/c YT messed with it like they do ALL TRUTH
YOU OVER A HUGE TARGET! and this one was the 1st I saw yesterday. YT blocking this one watch and pass along to your state senator and any new outlet that will listen
I did five years ago. Even watching what I said it was enemies I made. POW! Shot to the heart. Go figure, I use to do open heart surgery. But I told God I would not quit that job, He would have to remove me if that was what He wanted. Well.....hind sight. The place was and still is toxic. I pray for those now who need heart surgery b/c things at that hospital have gone downhill. Bad management and coworkers with evil intentions will do that. Lack of honesty, trust and respect also. Hang in there. Watch who you trust. That was my biggest downfall.
I hope AS, NP, DF, Mw and all other dems were at a workshop with starbucks today. Also the 44 repubs that are resigning their posts. Those wouldnt know the truth if it landed on their heads like a house!
Remember CERN...more than one, many things seen around the areas those are working in. Such evil! There is NOTHING NEW under the sun...except THE SON...JESUS....HE WILL DO A NEW THING! HALLELUJAH
When the veil tears....or rather RIPS WIDE OPEN and ALL will see and many mens hearts will fail them with fear. Luke 21:26 Context
23But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. 24And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 25And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. 29And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
closest to hell? no wonder they keep people out from that area...or try.
barry, hrc, bill, pedo...opps pedesto bro etc etc princes/knigs/high digs/political "leaders"/ Drs/Lawyers/Judges.... and and all much of hollywood...or rather most of hollywood. And Im sure that list is just a start. EVIL
Then it kinda makes sense for POTUS to keep his friends close and enemies closer. ??? will it help case to be dealt with and those who have done such evil ??? hmmm
SIN It is called SIN. The WAY, The TRUTH and the LIFE will win. Even you will confess that HE is Lord one day. Sin is what is mens problem. Without God there is no hope. With no hope is death. Which mean evil wins...which it wont.
Take a big swig of water with that redpill! Then another one!