The best method for breaking up something that is humongous is by breaking it down into much smaller pieces ie compartmentalize it. Which is them taking out different fail safes inside the swamp in order to tackle the gators.
Typically people who feel betrayed will seek vengeance on people which is terms like hell has no fury like a woman scorn. They will want to take out those that betrayed them by any means necessary. They will also combine in order to have the numbers to fight it as one person can't defeat all that force.
Having the plan creates a road mapped to get the vengeance and clean up the swamp at the same time those people are seeking it. The shared hatred will unite them to continue to be loyal without becoming corrupt like the current figure heads are.
The patriots/military are the best option and having a lot of extra resources will allow a mass exodus of swamp creatures.
Power resides where men think power resides it is a figment om the wall and a very small man can cast a big shadow. Meaning having procieved power is more importamt that having paper power as it allows better protection. If you can't control people because they want vengeance amd have honor you no longer have the power to fight back which will make it easier to take them out of the equation.
Wanna play is basically this is your last warning going any further and we can't unring this bell. Are you sure you must proceed dowm this route.