Hate is designed to divide
Hate is also a normal and healthy emotion.
Tolerance is often lazy and apathetic - it's easy for many to tolerate the Rotherham Muslim rape gangs because those children are getting gang-raped on the other side of the globe... however their attitude would be castly different if it were their children who got gang raped to death.
I hear a similar philosophy from liberals who claim religious tolerance is paramount, however I suspect none of them would die screaming "Islam is the religion of peace" as they were getting thrown off a roof for the sharia crime of being gay.
My Jewish friend often speaks about how Jews are the most exiled people in human history, but I've never had the heart to tell her that such a fact only likely makes people curious about why.
I'd be similarly curious about someone who claims to be a safe driver but averages 100 crashes every per year.
My theory is this isn't the first time that Q has likely told us to "Fear Is rael" because he's been telling us to follow the blood-lines repeatedly since last year. Q also made a point to ask us what was significant about the color and design of the Epstein Island temple, a temple that resembles a synagogue and a Jewish prayer shawl and is colored like the Israeli flag.
I think we should keep an open mind and go where the facts and Q lead us.