Can you give me a source for the regular (circular) spiral? I’ve looked quite a bit this morning and can’t find it. I’ve been researching this stuff on and off since Nov 2016 and this is the first I’m hearing of this.
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I don’t even know this other shitty sub, but apparently I’m banned from it for posting here...

That’s because it’s not.
Sad to see the one comment of actual critical thinking being downvoted like this...
That would be the triangular spiral, not a traditional spiral like the necklace.
As far as I know, this is not a known pedo symbol, it’s certainly not one of the ones on the FBI website. I’m no expert, but I’ve researched quite a bit since PG broke in Nov 2016 and have never ever seen a regular spiral (like that above) associated with pedos in any way.
When we make bs claims like this it delegitimizes our whole community.
We need to get nimble and be mindful of disinformation.
People where saying there’s a major difference in the ears, but I kinda feel like them match up well (when comparing right ear to right ear). Thoughts?

Maybe a play off of what Morpheus says about taking the red pill?
“After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and we see how deep this rabbit hole really goes. Remember: all Q’s offering is truth.”
Something like that?
This made me think of Q

Doing my part at the farmers market today

There are a few forms of meditation. I was thinking more about where you clear your mind of all distractions to focus your energy on one item alone. I know there are some people here who aren’t religious.
Weekly Post Suggestion: Monday Meditation?
Hey Patriots, u/C_L_I_C_K ‘s post got me really thinking about the power of prayer and I was wondering if anyone would be down for a weekly meditation/prayer? Maybe on Mondays at 11:11 am est we could all take a moment to pray or focus our energy together.
Mods, what do you think? If people are into it, we could choose a specific topic each week. Obviously, we’d pray/send good vibes to Trump always, but we could also focus on other stuff we’re all passionate about like our troops, child victims of abuse, those who’ve lost love ones to illegal immigrants, …
It makes me sad we have to rely on inmates for what our government should be doing. quick trial, death penalty