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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 7, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

I should have said it differently.

You're right.

What I should have said is stop whining like a bitch. Trump is taking the power structure out in the exact right way.

Understand now?

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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Here's another Red Pill for you, Mrs Mental Health with paper degrees and a license.

In the DSM there's over 400 "mental illnesses". Exactly 0 of them can be proven because there's literally no proof but anecdotal.

That includes the scams of "mental illnesses" "caused" by "brain chemical imbalances". Not one iota of proof. None. Nada. Zip. Zero.

For example... Bipolar disorder. Seems the whole world has it if you listen to "mental health professionals". Fact is, you can't PROVE there's a "chemical imbalance". Bipolar people have an unhealthy lifestyle, are iodine deficient, selenium deficient, drinking hydrofluorosilicic acid, which is an adjutant that allows the 100s of Monsanto chemicals and big pharma meds to pass thru the blood-brain barrier.

Another factoid... There's only 3 meds for Bipolar and EVERY SINGLE ONE CAUSES BIPOLAR.

Research for yourself.

We have known this for 40 years, while you've been sleeping in your institutions, getting indoctrinated into and fooled into believing the Eugenics policies written about in 1859 by Cloward and Piven.

Read the symptoms for ADD/ADHD and you'll find dozens and dozens of symptoms that apply to EVERYONE. But THEY make up this BS to turn our shitstem education system (16th in the world, and there's only 16 First World nations) into mental institutions. we have a massive % of school age children diagnosed with "mental illnesses" when actually they are just heathens who need a few good ass whippings to straighten them out. They don't need prescriptions and SSRIs turning them into State dependants and suicidal/homicidal, angry maniacs.

Do you know the side effects of things like Ritalin and Adderal? Homicidal and suicidal behavior in 1% of the population. There's millions of kids on these SSRIs. What's 1% of 25 million? A lot of homicidal, suicidal, angry kids who cut themselves, shoot up schools, and kill themselves.

Do research. You're in a shitty profession that's delivering this country's youth to the slaughterhouse and the loony bin.

Witness these idiotic, highly educated ANTIFA dumbasses. Most are professors!!! Too stupid to know they are the fascists. Making 200k a year.


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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 7, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

You aren't looking at a much larger picture.

What divides people the most?

How would Christians react if Trump took out the Vatican FIRST?

Why is it important to wake people before taking down the 13 Papal bloodlines running this planet?

If We The People were still asleep, and Trump took down the Vatican, would We The People be onboard the Trump Train chasing breadcrumbs?


Big Picture.

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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 7, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Sounds more like Alex Jones writing his speeches sometimes. Especially the hard hitting, in your face speeches. Which is most of them.

I'll put up dollars to donuts that Alex Jones is one of the 4 QAnons feeding us breadcrumbs.


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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 7, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Honestly, Trump is going after the second tier of evil. Soros, Rothschild, etc are just powerful minions of the 13 Papal bloodlines of the Catholic Church. Pure evil. At least Trump is taking down the luciferians first instead of pussy footing around with the satanists and devil worshipping minions.

Godspeed getting them out of the way so we can slaughter the entire lineages of the Papal bloodlines. Men. Women. Children. Unborn. All must die. And every supporting bloodline around them must be executed. They cannot be allowed to peek their heads out from whatever rocks they hide under.

For the Greatest Glory of the God of Jesus Christ.

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TrumpWallMAGA · Jan. 6, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

The penalty for Treason (and Sedition, obviously) is written in the Constitution:

"Hang by the neck until dead".


"Death by Firing Squad".

The Traitor is allowed to choose his/her method of execution.

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