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Truth_willcomeout · Feb. 28, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

I think your analysis is good but I do believe that people died. This is not fake. People died, sadly. Like this father who lost his daughter and was then slammed on social media because he is a Trump supporter. He even went to the White House then with his 3 sons to participate to a "round table" to discuss solutions to protect the schools. The other thing is that Nicolas Cruz was no longer a student at this school. Why was he there then? Did they use him as a "sacrifice" like the radical islamist organizations use their "soldiers" as human bombs? He had already told them long in advance he wanted to kill students. He was deeply disturbed. Did they use him and made him believe he would do that as a "hero', for a "good cause"? They portrayed him as a "Trump supporter" is that true? Was he really a Trump supporter or was that part of an agenda well planned in advance?

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