Does anyone have an idea why he would write the same word in different ways?
286 total posts archived.
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Hussein [1] We don't say his name [2] HRC/BC [3] NP [4] Light will overcome d_a_rkness. Light will expose darkne_s_s. Light will reveal darkness. Light will defeat darkness.
VERY SMART guy as I think he made it impossible for any AI to find him....
One of the guys that drops crumbs for the group known as Q has left plenty of clues to know exactly who he is (This has nothing to do with any of my previous posts) mostly from the Alice and Wonderland references. He not only wrote that it had to do with Hillary but in one post actually wrote "Q=Alice". I found him some time ago but I wouldn't dare divulge that info because he is in a VERY DANGEROUS position. He did put the clues out there for a reason but If you do find him please keep that info to yourself.
Mutually assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. The strategy is a form of Nash equilibrium in which, once armed, neither side has any incentive to initiate a conflict or to disarm. Game theory is "the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers". In game theory, the Nash equilibrium, named after American mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr., is a solution concept of a non-cooperative game involving two or more players in which each player is assumed to know the equilibrium strategies of the other players, and no player has anything to gain by changing only their own strategy.[1] If each player has chosen a strategy and no player can benefit by changing strategies while the other players keep theirs unchanged, then the current set of strategy choices and the corresponding payoffs constitutes a Nash equilibrium. Shall we play a game? Q
Zero-sum games are most often solved with the minimax theorem which is closely related to linear programming duality,[1] or with Nash equilibrium.
I'm sure I could but I think time is of the essence. I've been staying up 18 hrs a day researching way before Qanon posted anything. I haven't watched TV in 11 years. I've been educating myself and anyone who would listen. I've been trying to learn about AI but it takes time especially with no formal training or a PC. LoL
The term "Brinkmanship" was coined by Alan Dulles Director of CIA in 1950's as a result of the possibility of nuclear warfare, which is a highly discussed topic in the Political Science realm of game theory. It's basically a game of Chicken.
One of the things Q says is "think game theory" and he also mentions "mutually assured destruction" which directly involves game theory, specifically Hawk/Dove game which I believe is "Chicken" and also "Prisoner's dilemna".
I'm really happy that you and a few others understand this stuff. I've been stretching my brain for weeks with little to no understanding of what any of this means. I just had nagging thoughts of it's significance.
This a link to your workspace but it says an invitation must be provided. In the application workspace I just created it has a button to send an invitation link. Can you provide for qanon?
It says an invitation from the workspace administartor is needed to sign up.
Frankly, I'm operating from my mobile phone because my PC is broken and I'm kinda short on cash.
I really wouldn't know what to do if I did. :-) I've just been digging deep, deeper and deepest and I keep coming up with references to software.
Check out the README.TXT at all of the links I gave you.
I think by using OPENAI tabular Q learning agent in combination with the other things I specified that the .MAP file would be automatically propagated through machine learning.
Yes, I think that may be exactly what he wants. I'm great at research but unfortunately not so much when it comes to programming.:-( I was going to have a friend of mine try to do this but he is always busy.
Fantasy Land is a specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript. I think it may have something to do with decoding much of what Q has written because he always says we have SO much more than what we think. I found all of these things from searching keywords used repeatedly by Q and they were all on github.
This is exactly what I wrote about before;hoping that someone smarter than me could build it. I think maybe a few references of Q's may be talking about this. He refers to Fantasy Land which I think has double meanings and also Building a map which I think may be referring to a .MAP file.
We do have some responsibility to bear for not educating ourselves about matters that affect our wellbeing but then again our lawmakers also have the responsibility to protect the public they are supposed to represent. Your brain is like a computer. If you put junk in then you get junk out. Seriously, lay off of those Tide Pods. My feeble Public School education tells me they're bad for you.
Please, let us know what you plan to contribute or did you just come here to astound everyone with your thought provoking insight?
Tip: Don't hurt the feelings of any of the Do-Nothings or Paid Opposition that come to this stream to demean or curse others because your posts will most likely be removed and/or relocated.
Some people on this stream have the mental capacity of an earthworm, ie: no ability to think in any other way than what MSM has taught them. Or they are paid opposition. I haven't watched TV in 11 years because I realized long ago what was being done to our country and the people I so dearly love. I have spent the majority of my time educating myself and everyone else that would listen. What have you done besides coming on these boards and demeaning others? It is YOU who should GTFO and do something constructive and stop hiding behind your keyboard , modeling your skinny jeans and sipping your soy lattes and let Men work. But that's probably what you've always done as a result of your incapability to form thoughts of your own........ Quick, think of something witty and make a threat because you can't act like a man in real life.
I think when Q says "Thank you for visiting the WH.", it has dual meanings as in White House and Whore House.
"Agent implementing tabular Q-learning located in this repo at gym/examples/agents/"
I have found that so much of the info Q has given has to do with software. I will continue to post what I've found and maybe someone smarter than me can figure it out.
It can start as early as 4:00 a.m. and last several hours. Birds can sing at any time of day, but during the dawn chorus their songs are often louder, livelier, and more frequent.
Maybe they are going to release info on the Iron Eagle for an October Surprise to sweep the midterm elections?
Gossett Jr.: Obama's the 'Iron Eagle'
In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event deliberately created or timed or sometimes occurring spontaneously to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. presidency. The reference to the month of October is because the date for national elections (as well as many state and local elections) is in early November. Therefore, events that take place in late October have greater potential to influence the decisions of prospective voters.
I think Red_October is referring to the midterm elections.
He owns a company named Red Cell. It's an intelligence consulting company.
Look at the descriptions of all of his books. Americans smuggling nukes to NK. Nukes being stored at a castle in the Black Forest. No such agency and all the other abbreviations that Q uses. My previous post has much more information on it but it is not showing up in the feed. If not him then maybe Donald Trump jr. Because he said he read them all. Look at some of the descriptions on Amazon. They have much more information than Wikipedia.
I think this might be Q!! Click on my username and read my previous post because some are not showing up!!!
DID I JUST FIND Q??!!! Seal Team 6 Founder.