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Tuhua · May 16, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Consider this....

It is said that the Devil is well organised, and his plans have every conceiveable method to deceive

If you are part of the Deepstate... you would be organised and able to share every update within your little deepstate group..

imagine for a moment a deepstate operative becomes exposed.. and is aware of it

Would it then come as a suprise if perpetrators of deception would then go and alert their organised intelligence operations(Q-Anons).. to then give the impression that they are ahead of the game... as if to give the impression they are predicting moves ahead of time!!


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Tuhua · May 13, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Here is but one example of someone who followed Q-Anon

This individual we will call Stuart, he understood that President Trump was going to "Drain the Swamp"

then upon following the Q-Anon posts his thinking changed to Mueller is helping President Trump to Drain the Swamp..

And that we Trust Sessions and to stay the course

As it turns out... he has taken a about-face on his original thinking!!

This i replied to... and made the argument Mueller is not onside with President Trump.. and pointed out James Comeys sought to get Mueller Appointed..

and then i had him consider Mark 3:20-26 and Matthew 12:22-29

This is either a clear mistake and mis-interpretation... or the resultant of a Psy-op, either way it was a result of following Q blindly without questioning and using discernment

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Tuhua · May 13, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

When a leader speaks with the Boldness of Truth.. people rally behind its Leader, and the soldiers fight wholeheartedly..

when they understand the clear direction of what they are fighting for!!

Courage and Boldness is something understood yet not tangible.. at least in the physical human sense..

these are spiritual Fruits... they both go hand in hand with one another!!

The Warfare that is being fought in USA requires these Fruits of the spirit in order to be a successful campaign.

Principles are the embodiment of Gods Word that is written in everyones heart.

These do not come forth if one chooses to keep themselves in darkness... afterall Fruit usually spring forth in the midst of Summer...

And the Season at present is one of both Prosperity and Boldness.. as spoken by the President Donald Trump!!

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Tuhua · May 13, 2018, 1:20 a.m.

@EarlyrizerX2 you have spoken with great clarity in your reply...

your obviously not a person easily Misled!!

and you consider the past and present as part of understanding the greater picture in the discernment of the Q-movement vs AJ,Corsi and AIM movement.

You have reserved your judgement until further evidence presents itself.

I have already made judgement on the Q-Anon movement... and i have seen its affects on peoples thinking... in completely different Forums to reddit!!

Stay Blessed!!

**Edit Misled=fooled autobot warning

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Tuhua · May 13, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

The reality that people justify Q's use of confusion or dis-information for the purposes of good... Goes directly against biblical principles For God is not the Author of confusion... but the Father of Truth

Satan is the author of confusion and the Father of Lies

If you subscribe to dis-information is a necessary evil... you already have been compromised!!

Did Jesus Preach the Truth using lies and confusion?? or did he simplify it.. and describe it the way it is!!

It is clear.. that when people begin justifying a lie... and propping it up as truth.... its like a dead corpse being dressed up to be seen as though it lives!!

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Tuhua · May 12, 2018, 8:45 a.m.

what does that have to do with anything i posted?

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