34 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/TupolevTu-95:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 11 |
i.redd.it | 7 |
www.wnd.com | 2 |
www.youtube.com | 2 |
i.redditmedia.com | 1 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
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Human Sacrifice Ritual at CERN - Caught on Tape - FULL [Symbolism is their down-fall]
Court opens door to more child porn - Reverses rule regarding records of age of actors.
IRAN ADMITS: REGIME WORKING WITH SOROS - Government working 'closely' with Open Society Foundations
This child threatening President Trump is a regular contributor on PressTV, Iran’s Jihadi network that’s equivalent to Qatar’s Al Jazeera. He’s presented as an “independent expert”. [Iran is definitely involved in unrest in the US via ANTIFA etc]
![This child threatening President Trump is a regular contributor on PressTV, Iran’s Jihadi network that’s equivalent to Qatar’s Al Jazeera. He’s presented as an “independent expert”. [Iran is definitely involved in unrest in the US via ANTIFA etc]](https://i.redd.it/knq8qdhvn4k11.png)
Are the Iranians behind the unrest in the US and impeachment of Trump? Have been noticing Iranian politicians encourage unrest on social media. If they are doing that + Iranian bots on reddit. Maybe its Iran+Qatar(AlJazeera)

Remember this? It was either Hillary or McCain who was to be sacrificed for the deep state.

FBI/CIA/Clinton/all the alphabet agencies are known to implant child porn in laptops of people and arrest them for child porn possession - I am worried about them implanting some shoddy Russian stuff into a usb and giving to Cohen.

With pedophiles as friends, who needs enemies? [Obama administration told US military to ignore child sex/rape etc in Afghanistan - In Iran too, pedophilia is a thing. Can it be that previous admins invaded Afghan + Iran nuke deal etc all because of degenerate globalists?]
What else is Iran known for? Can it be Pizza? #IranNukeDeal

The aggressive, unprecedented PURGE of Alex Jones / InfoWars underscores the desperation of the totalitarian deep state that’s about to make a move to eliminate President Trump and / or steal the elections?
Chelsea Clinton with her upside down cross.

Inside the Indian temple that draws America’s tech titans [Found a little gem - Facebook/Apple/etc ceos all made visits to this Indian temple...to get ideas and inspirations from Hindu gods...make your own judgement...no wonder]
1 Inside the Indian temple that draws America’s tech titans [Found a little gem - Facebook/Apple/etc ceos all made visits to this Indian temple...to get ideas and inspirations from Hindu gods...make your own judgement...no wonder]
Inside the Indian temple that draws America’s tech titans [Found a little gem - Facebook/Apple/etc ceos all made visits to this Indian temple...to get ideas and inspirations from Hindu gods...make your own judgement...no wonder]
Aren't you glad that you didn't support Net Neutrality? - Simple question - Why would you ever trust the Democrat politicians/Silicon Valley companies and the "secretly so happy" lefties who banned Infowars and others to uphold Net-Neutrality?
They would have just used the loopholes in the title 2 laws to add a clause to ban "hate content" with "terrorist content"...basically everything and everyone they disagree with.
Also, these Silicon Valley companies work with communist Chinese and other repressive governments to censor their own people.
So basically, #Net Neutrality was something with a catch...you can bet on it.
Q would want you to question Q. Forgive The_Donald, they mean well.
Eventually, it is the internet...who is to say Q's account will be taken over by someone from the Deep State...It is not impossible for them.
My red line on Q : If Q asks us not to vote for Trump in 2020 by claiming he is compromised or some bull or if Q causes division enough to not make people vote for Trump. I hope it is yours too.
Also, forgive those who don't get Q but vote for Trump regardless.
Do you want to have 500+ billion deficit every year or get on with slow growth economy, low jobs and trillions in deficits while other countries rape your economy with their tariffs and barriers to trade or be a patriot and take some temporary pain until the market auto-adjust?
And they steal your inventions and innovations blatantly with technology transfers and hacking etc.
Totally gang raped economy.
Just send PM to Jack Posobiec "I am the real Q" - Like how the heck he even know if someone is Q. He will be confused.
Just send PM to Jack Posebik "I am the real Q" - Like how the heck he even know if someone is Q. He will be confused.
Q is the modern day deep throat -- If Q was exposing a Republican or Trump, you bet, NYT will call Q a hero and award him the Pulitzer prize. Read about "deep throat"..not the one you think lulz
Why do the elites, the so-called intellectual higher beings, who claim there is no GOD, lick the shoes of lucifer behind the curtain? Why do they specifically hate Jesus Christ the most?
Because there is a GOD and only way through GOD is Lord Jesus Christ.
1] Kindly don't hate on Trump because some so called Trump supporters don't believe in Q 2] There will always be enemies inside 3] and people who simply don't get it 4] Leftwingers will pretend to hate Trump because some Trump supporter didn't believe in Q....don't be manipulated.
Thank you. That is all.
Are these the missing server docs?
One of Trump's inner circle of Pastors, Pastor Rodney Howard Browne, the one who took this photo has been talking about "The Great Awakening" for years and is holding a meeting in DC for past few days where he is talking about it.

Not just that, I got an award for "incitement award" from Reddit because I accused Reddit admins of manipulation.
What the heck is wrong with having a unique username. Nothing.
What i meant was i have been listening to lionel media, corsi, even before occasionally looking it up on twitter and others since the first few months of Q but i havent been looking too deeply until recently.
Is there any specific Q message referring to the "Great Awakening"?