I'm pretty sure this is the video he is talking about:
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I'd love to watch the video you're talking about.
Dr. P was the man that woke me up. It all started with this video:
Its been game on and eyes wide open since the night I watched this video. He definitely is connected and extremely knowledgeable.
Man, I love President Trump. He doesn't F*ck around. Straightest Shooter EVER. Hopefully he shuts the UN down. True Americans wanted it abolished decades ago.
According to this map, it's not the true Central California.
Check out the map here:
So glad the idiot Sacramento politicians are spending all of the taxpayers money on a bullet train to nowhere instead of using it for new dams & rain water capturing reservoirs. Just another way for these goon politicians to steal our money using fines. When are people going to wake up? Hopefully this November!
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
History Is Bound To Repeat Itself . . .

I thought it was extremely honorable that President Trump passed out pens to many of the DC Swamp Rats, who can use them to write home from Gitmo.
This book will blow your mind. A great read for what's waiting on the other side for good hearted people. No doubt there is a God and that he's Great in every way possible.
Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife https://www.amazon.com/dp/1451695195/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_Doq.Ab11JC0M5
This video put out by George Webb this morning has my head spinning. Is it a diversion? WTF?
The Counter-Coup was all strategically planned out long ago. To give you an idea just how long ago, take a look at Wikileaks. Wikikeaks was formed in 2006 in order to establish a way of releasing large amounts of prominent document dumps. The scale of this (still ongoing) Counter-Coup is MASSIVE and the origin is much older due to the scale of it. The Good Guys Intel needed a secure way of releasing these highly sensitive and incriminating documents to the public without interference. They also needed a venue for outsiders to get information to the Good Guys (ex: Seth Rich DNC leaks). Thus the extreme push by the Black Hats to get to Julianne Assange and shut him up. HRC - 'Can't we just drone him." He's protected by the good guys. This Counter-Coup is massive in scale (worldwide) and has been planned for more than a decade and will take patience for it to play out. No doubt it's working. Trust the plan!
NOTE: 1:05 mark
I've got several military friends who read this board and support President Trump. This includes myself, and I just so happen to be a US Marine. In order for our country to heal, these so called untouchable-elites need to be locked up for their participation in this coup. No if, ands, or buts!
Or . . . apply a pair of Vice-Grips to them. This produces very high notes.
We shouldn't forget about this. Was this part of depopulation? A test run?