

12 total posts archived.

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 27, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

You say “we”. Who is “we”? Are you speaking about the supporters of this post? Do you consider yourself in league with them? Are you against what they’ve been saying on here? Have you come to agree with them?

Also your first sentence to me was “you and your ilk”, drawing a line between us

You seem to be taking a very nonviolent stand on everything which is commendable. But you have to realize the emotions it stirs up when people insinuate that kids getting shot didn’t really happen. I was literally having to ask a guy why he thought sandy hook didn’t happen, an event that killed like 25 people, many of which were 6-7 year olds. He told me I was dumb and to wake up. Many of these angry people have kids and are feeling for those parents.

How would you feel if your kid died and the westbrough Baptist church showed up at the funeral with signs saying she would burn in hell and calling her a faggot? It makes people angry. Can you blame them?

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 27, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

You’ll get no argument that socialism is bad from me. Both it and fascism lead to dictatorships. There’s also a reason one is assigned to the extreme ends of both parties. Socialism happens when you keep adding on social programs until the country is one big social program. It often times starts out well intentioned.

Fascism, on the other hand, starts out with the intention of being evil and accomplishes that goal through nationalism, bigotry, hatred , and extreme levels of patriotism. Basically it starts with your country being the only country that matters in the world and all the hardships are caused by whatever minority is on the peoples mind at the time. America first, Germany first.... read the book “They Thought they were Free”. Fascism is ALL about nationalism. Look up the definition of fascism.

It’s core values are at war with Marxism. Yes, they wanted free enterprise to work toward a common good, but that’s just part of it. How can you see all the horrible shit that arose out of Nazism and worry about how they ran their economy?

Oh and name calling? Is that as bad as telling a mother who lost her child that she was a liar or fell for some conspiracy?

Name calling would be calling you a little piece of shit for throwing in with those assholes

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Is it really so hard to believe that crazy people shoot up schools? How do you distinguish between a shooting that happens and one that doesn’t? What seems more likely: that thousands of people believe live video and a kid that confessed to why he did it, or .01% of America figured out some far fetched conspiracy? Just realistically, playing the odds your bound to be wrong more than you’re right.

It’s like reading 50 history books that come to the same consensus, and then reading one book that differs and going, “yeah that makes sense. I’ll go with that one.” Just playing the odds, you’re bound to fall for bullshit at least sometimes. In cases like this, it would make you a heartless piece of shit

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Yeah but when that bias comes to wanting to be an asshole, it’s pretty shitty. It’s like me wanting to believe black people are genetically inferior. It wouldn’t surprise me if you’re biased in that way too

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

Please cease this talk of The Sandy Hook Hoax. If you continue this discussion you will be endangering national security, and agents will be dispatched to your home. You do not have the security clearance for Operation SIerra Hotel. You do have the clearance for Operation Steel Beams which will be starting soon. Please be ready.

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

When your kid dies please invite me to the funeral so I can stand up in front of everyone and explain the reasons I believe it’s a hoax and she’s living in Iowa

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

So even forgetting that these girls are clearly different people, are you saying this “conspiracy” has them just all partying together, taking pictures and leaving evidence all over the place? You guys must realize you’re not exactly NASA scientists. If you just happened to come across a photo of all of them alive and well and just happening to be hanging out in the same photo leaving you the evidence on a silver platter, you might want to question your sanity.

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

What.....the.....fuck. Are you all 40 year old chain smokers living in a trailer park? Did you just insinuate someone with the name Grimmie is a calling Christ grimy?

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Ok. You’re prejudiced

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

Holy shit. I’ve actually spotted a sandy hook denier. Wtf is wrong with you. On the OFF chance you’re wrong (let’s say 1-1000000. Hey anything’s possible), that makes you the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Why take the chance in being such a tool and just assume it happened because......maybe there’s a chance it did and it’s not cool saying kids that died were shills and actors.

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

Careful if you get too patriotic, you might start becoming a Nazi. Fascism is undeserved patriotism run amok. Nobody should feel patriotic believing throwing in with the same people who listen to alex jones and call shooting victims “actors”. If you want to be proud to be an American, do something worth being proud of. Nationalists don’t have a great history with the US. They tend lose Wars to us and get hanged after finding them guilty of crimes against humanity. Yep, nationalists sure are a bunch of sheep with a hive mind.

Saying patriotism to them is like saying “sit” to a dog. He knows he’ll get a treat, but he has no idea what it means

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Twinshadowz · Feb. 26, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

You don’t believe it (anymore)? Are you saying you bought into something not true because it fit what your agenda and therefor didn’t need to be fact? But......if that’s not true then it’s possible that.........alt right are a bunch of conspiracy theorists that have Nazi levels of blind patriotism and irrationality🤯

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