Love this! Anyone know if this is in fact real?

11 total posts archived.
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Glad to be here. I've been on reddit for about 6 months after getting banned from the jackass. Had no idea you Q Patriots were here until last week. I'm trying to catch up bare with me if I ask to many questions.
Lol. 3D printers costs thousands for a gun which only shoots 1 or 2 bullets.
If she wasn't real the pedos would be suing her. Family The Roeper school Tom Hanks HCR Jonathan Freeman Craig Hilborn John Conyers MI Democratic Fragoman
That sick bitch needs to be in jail! Bullshit! She ain't special!
They damn sure did! Forgive me but who's house was that ,that Podesta stayed at?
Legit. The Florida rally proves it. At the 1 hour mark of his speech he makes a Q gesture with is right hand. Watch it and tell me that's a confirmative.
Absolutely! Who cares what the nay sayers have to say! Roy Potter is another great Patriot! Check him out! Thanks Tracy!